Feb 08, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog v2 
2015-2016 Catalog v2 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services


Student Services

At Florida Polytechnic University, we understand that not all learning takes place in the classroom. We are a tightly knit community of educators, students and support staff. It is easy to get to know everyone, and within a short period of time, staff, faculty and fellow students will know your name. You are certainly not just a number at Florida Polytechnic. You are valued as a person, as a student, and as a distinctive resident of the University community. The Office of Student Affairs oversees all activities related to student life on campus, including residential living, student activities and programming, leadership, multicultural outreach, counseling and health services.

The Student Affairs Department is the voice the advocate for all students at Florida Polytechnic-both graduate students and undergraduate students. The University experience is a unique period of your life when you grow in so many ways, have so many different adventures, and create memories to last a lifetime. It is when you develop ideas and beliefs and gain a deeper sense of self. College is a time of transition and change - as you face new academic challenges, meet new roommates, or face other experiences of personal growth. The good times, the friendships, and support you will receive will create an exciting environment in which to live and learn. Whether it’s helping you get involved, listening to your opinions, stay healthy, live on campus, or get support, our staff is happy to enrich your campus life experience outside of the classroom!

Health and Wellness Center

Student Health Services

The Health and Wellness Center focuses on providing holistic oriented health care. This would include initial diagnosis and treatment of injuries and/or illnesses, and appropriate follow-up for most short-term illnesses. Our providers are experienced in treating common medical problems seen on college campuses and are advocates of a wellness approach to health care, which empowers patients to become partners in managing their health needs, through education and knowledge. All illnesses, accidents, medications or special treatments must be reported to the nurse and the Director of Student Affairs. The physical examination form and an immunization record must be completed by a physician prior to registration for all full- time students. This information is essential for treatment, particularly emergency treatment, of students. Physicians, dentists, chiropractors and other health care professionals are locally available in Lake Wales, Winter Haven and Lakeland. Nearby hospitals are Lake Wales Hospital, Winter Haven Hospital, Women’s Regency Medical Center, Heart of Florida Hospital and Lakeland Regional Medical Center.


The Health and Wellness Center provides personal and academic assistance. Professional counseling is locally available, at the student’s expense, for serious mental health or personal problems, drug abuse intervention and rehabilitation. Additionally, faculty members provide academic advising and the Director of Career Services provides counseling and sponsors career development programming.

Academic Success Center (ASC)


The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides a variety of services and opportunities that supplement and reinforce what is being presented in the classroom, while also helping to prepare students for the workforce by offering services that assist with career development. Through learning support programs, academic tutoring, workshops, table talks, and self-enhancement activities, the ASC is a central hub of student success at Florida Polytechnic University. 

Housed in the IST Building 2nd floor Commons, the Success Desk is a primary connection point for ASC services.  The Success Desk is staffed 7 days a week to assist students with research, general questions, and to help them forge a successful academic path.  Math tutoring and writing support are available Monday-Friday, both as a walk-in service and by appointment.  The Academic Success Center also supports career development services, including resume preparation, interview skills, and job/internship search strategies. For additional information see FPU-5.004.



Disability Services


The Director of Student Affairs coordinates assistance for students with disabilities, including assistance with registration, accessibility, parking, housing, counseling, and other individualized needs. It is the responsibility of the student with disabilities who seeks assistance to identify him/herself as disabled to the Director of Student Affairs. An intake interview will be conducted and appropriate referrals made. Documentation for the disability may be requested.

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Florida Polytechnic University seeks to provide accommodations for students with disabilities enabling them to access education on an equal basis with students without disabilities. Auxiliary learning aids as well as human support services are made available to qualified students with varying disabilities. Students should contact the Student Affairs office for assistance in academic matters.