Jan 20, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Student Handbook 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Services

Student Classifications

Undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) students are classified on the basis of semester hours satisfactorily earned.

  • Freshman: 0 through 29 semester hours.
  • Sophomore: 30 through 59 semester hours.
  • Junior: 60 through 89 semester hours.
  • Senior: 90 or more semester hours, prior to completing baccalaureate requirements.

Post-baccalaureate: Any student who is enrolled in a course, regardless of course level, who has previously earned a baccalaureate degree, is not working toward another baccalaureate degree, and has not been admitted to a graduate program.

Graduate: Any student enrolled in a graduate course (5000-6000 level) who has been admitted to a graduate program.

Audit: Any student registered for any credit course on an audit basis. No credit is received for courses taken on an audit basis. A grade of AU will be assigned to audit coursework.

Student Holds

Holds may be placed on a student’s account, records, transcript, grades, diplomas or registration because of financial or other obligations to the University, such as failure to turn in required paperwork or failure to participate in required advisements. The obligation will need to be satisfied prior to the release of the hold by the office having authority.

For more information, read FPU-5.0104AP Registration, Transcript, Final Grades, and Diploma Holds .

Transient Students

Transient students are students who attend any State University System institution for only one term before returning to their home institutions.

There are two types of outgoing transient students:

  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at another State University System (SUS) institution. Students must complete the SUS Transient Form on the FloridaShines website. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution. Students must complete the Transient Student Form. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the other institution’s Office of Admissions and complete their application process.

There are two types of incoming transient students:

  • State University System (SUS) transient student is a student in good standing who is seeking a degree from a public Florida university and desires to take courses with Florida Polytechnic University. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • Transient students who are degree seeking at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution and wish to take classes at Florida Polytechnic University. These students need to contact the Florida Polytechnic University Office of Admissions and complete an application for non-degree enrollment.

Material & Supply Fees

The president must approve any Material and Supply Fees prior to the students being charged for such. Material and Supply Fees may not exceed the amount necessary to offset the cost of materials or supplies, which are consumed by the student in the course of the instructional activities, excluding the cost of equipment and equipment repairs and maintenance. New or revised Material and Supply Fees may only be implemented if approved using the procedures provided below.

Please see FPU-4.0013P Material and Supply Fees policy to read in its entirety.

Incomplete Grade

A student may be temporarily assigned an incomplete (“I”) course grade, with the written approval of the course instructor, if the student is passing the course but has not completed all the required work due to exceptional circumstances that exist beyond the control of the student. An “I” grade cannot be assigned to a course if the student fails to attend the course, drops the course after the drop/add period, or withdraws from the University. A student who registers for a course but fails to meet the course requirements will receive an “F” grade in that course unless the student has officially dropped the course.

In order to be eligible for an “I” grade assignment in a course, the student must have completed at least 75 percent of the course with a passing grade. An “I” grade is not to be used to allow students to complete extra work to raise the grade earned. The “I” grade indicates a grade deferral in the event of extenuating circumstances and must be changed to a final evaluative grade within a specified time frame, not to exceed one calendar year from the ending date of the semester during which the student was enrolled and prior to the student’s graduation.

A student may not re-enroll in the same course to make up an “I” grade, nor may the student enroll in any courses that designate the course for which the student is assigned an “I” grade as a prerequisite.

It is the student’s responsibility for making arrangements with the course instructor for timely completion of the missing academic work. Once the student completes the required work, the instructor will evaluate the work and complete a Grade Change Form. The instructor must submit the Grade Change Form to the Office of the University Registrar for approval and processing.

Incomplete (I) grades that are not changed within the maximum time limit (not to exceed one calendar year from the ending date of the semester during which the student was enrolled and prior to the student’s graduation) will automatically convert to the course grade designated in the Incomplete Grade Agreement. Once an “I” grade is converted to a final evaluative grade, that course grade may not be subject to further adjustment nor may it be converted back to an “I” grade. Exceptions due to University error may be approved by the Provost (or his/her designee) with supporting justification attached to a Grade Change Form.

Requesting an Incomplete Grade:

1. The student must contact the instructor of the course prior to final grades being due, as noted on the academic calendar, to inform the instructor of the exceptional circumstances that justify requesting an “I” grade. The decision to assign an “I” grade is at the sole discretion of the course instructor.

2. If the instructor agrees to temporarily assign the student an “I” grade for the course, the student and instructor shall complete the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form. The form will set the expectations for course completion and should include the following information:

  • Document the exceptional circumstances
  • Specify the academic work the student is missing
  • State the deadline for completion of that work
  • The grade that will be assigned if the work is not submitted on or before the deadline.

3. Once completed, the form must be signed by both the student and the instructor and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar prior to the semester deadline for reporting final grades.

Please see FPU-5.00712AP Incomplete Grade policy to read in its entirety.

Student Grade Appeals

Faculty, adjuncts, professors, and instructors have a fundamental right and responsibility to assess student performance. Instructors exercise professional judgment in determining how to assess student performance based on standards in their departments or disciplines and based on their own expectations for student achievement.

Please see FPU-5.00714AP Student Grade Appeals policy to read in its entirety.

Final Exams

The University views assessments as a critical component of the educational process. Final examinations constitute an element of the assessment of a student’s understanding of the coursework.

Please see FPU-5.0073AP Final Exams policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Standing and Suspension Appeal Procedure

The University has established minimum academic standards to which all students must adhere. Academic standing defines academic progress as it is indicated on student records and how the status will affect a student’s academic progress at the University. When a student is not in good academic standing, the student’s academic standing is denoted on his or her student record. The Office of the Registrar will notify students of the change in academic standing via email to the student’s University email.

Please see FPU-5.0074AP Academic Standing (Undergraduate) policy to read in its entirety and the Graduate Academic Standing Policy

President’s and Provost’s Lists

Each semester the University takes the opportunity to recognize those degree seeking undergraduate students who have met certain high academic standards. Eligible undergraduate students who achieve the required grade point average for courses taken in the fall or spring semester will be placed on a President’s List or Provost’s List that is published after the end of each semester.

In order to be eligible for consideration for the lists, an undergraduate student must have been enrolled in and completed a minimum of 12 credit hours during the semester and have no incomplete grades for any courses taken during the semester.

  • An eligible undergraduate student whose grade point average is 3.90 to 4.00 for the semester will be placed on the President’s List.
  • An eligible undergraduate student whose grade point average is 3.50 to 3.89 will be placed on the Provost’s List.

Once a list is published, there will be no changes to the list based upon grade changes or the removal or change of incomplete grades.

Please see FPU-5.00741AP President’s and Provost’s Lists policy to read in its entirety.

Maximum Allowed Course Load


A full-time undergraduate student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester. A part-time undergraduate student is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. The typical full-time undergraduate course load is 12 to 18 credit hours each semester.

Students should take between 30 and 33 hours annually to graduate in four years. In the Fall and Spring semesters, the maximum number of credit hours in which an undergraduate may enroll is 18. During the Summer semester, the maximum number of credit hours allowed during a six-week term is 9, and the maximum number of credit hours allowed during a 12-week term is 15. The total of combined summer sessions cannot exceed 15 hours. Semester overload permission from the undergraduate student’s academic advisor is required to enroll for more than the maximum allowable hours.

Please see FPU-5.0088AP Maximum Allowed Course Load policy to read in its entirety.