Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog & Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog & Student Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Student Code of Conduct

is designed to promote responsible behavior for all students consistent with the values and welfare of the Florida Polytechnic University community. It exists to define the behavioral rights and responsibilities of University Students and Student Organizations. The Code of Conduct fosters and enhances the academic mission of the University as well as protects the rights of all University students, faculty, and staff.

For the most current version of the Student Code of Conduct see FPU 3.006

The student has the right to:

(a) A presumption that a violation of the Student Code of Conduct has not occurred. 

(b) Be free from self-incrimination. However, the rights and rules of evidence or procedure in a civil or criminal proceeding do not apply to the Student Conduct Review Process. 

(c) Be informed of and receive just and unbiased treatment under the Policies of the University, in its courses, in its residential life, and in its extracurricular activities,

(d) Be informed of decisions impacting their status, advancement, or exercise of University benefits, and have the opportunity to appeal, through a defined process and framework, those decisions in accordance with the procedures prescribed in this Student Code of Conduct.

(e) Have past behavior considered only when related to the charge(s).

(f) Privacy, including the confidentiality of education records according to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). (g) Adequate notice of charges and a fair and impartial hearing under the Student Code of Conduct.

(h) Be secure in their persons, living quarters, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures by the University. 

(i) Ready access to established University Policies.

The student has the responsibility to:

(a)Observe and comply with all University Policies and local, state, and federal laws;

b) Respect the rights and privacy of others;

(c) Accept the Sanctions imposed due to one’s actions;

(d) Maintain high standards of academic integrity and honor in all work submitted; and

(e)Conduct oneself in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of other members of the University community.

Academic Freedom and Responsibility

Also, all members of the University community have the responsibility to respect the academic freedom of others. The University administration and faculty shall fully maintain, encourage, and protect academic freedom.

Academic freedom is essential to the University. It includes both freedom of thought and expression, and it applies to teaching, research/creative activities, and professional, public and University service.

Academic freedom is accompanied by corresponding faculty and administration responsibilities, arising from the nature of the educational process. Faculty members are free to discuss all relevant matters in the classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research and creative expression and to speak freely on all matters of University governance without fear of University censorship, retaliation or discipline.

Students also play an important role in academic freedom. Students have the right and are encouraged to engage in inquiry and discussion; to exchange thought and opinion; and to speak, write, and print freely on any subject.

All members of the University community have the responsibility to respect the academic freedom of others. Please see FPU-5.001 Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Integrity

In addition to the Student Code of Conduct, The Academic Integrity Regulation mandates that all students commit to the highest ethical standards in the academic process. For the most current version of the Academic Integrity Regulation, see FPU 5.005.

This regulation provides the processes to be followed when a student is alleged to have violated the Academic Integrity regulation and indicates the potential consequences and sanctions when a student is found responsible for such violation.

The University is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the University is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Accordingly, the Academic Integrity regulation is designed to ensure that the principle of academic honesty is upheld. While all members of the University share this responsibility, special responsibility for upholding the principle of academic honesty lies with the students. In order to maintain the integrity of the academic process, all students must commit to the highest ethical standards in completion of all academic pursuits and endeavors. The faculty share with the administration the responsibility for educating students about the importance and principles of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity diminish the value of your degree. 

Sanctioning Guidelines for Academic Integrity

Application of sanctioning guidelines lie with the purview of the faculty. Faculty consider a range of factors when it comes to issuing sanctions including the severity of the infraction, the conditions surrounding the student and/or their infraction, as well as the level of the student: a freshman and a graduate student ought to be held to different standards, for example.

Minimum guidelines are provided here. The Academic Integrity Hearing Panel may raise or lower sanctions depending on the nature of the violation and the circumstances.

Academic Integrity Sanctioning Guidelines 

Level of Violation

Definition and Examples

Minimum Recommended Disciplinary Action

Level 1

First offense: Evidence suggests the offense may have arisen from a temporary panic or from confusion. No evidence suggests that the student or students engaged in a pre-planned violation of academic integrity.

Warning Letter- Student is warned of consequences of a second offense and may be required to write a letter of apology or perform another task as part of the probation. Academic Integrity Violations: FPU-5.005 3(a)- 3(I)- Zero on examination or assignment

Level 2

First offense: Evidence suggests that the student or students engaged in a preplanned or exceptionally serious violation (ie. Collusion with others, prolonged cheating on an exam, Plagiarism) of academic integrity.

Warning Letter- Student is warned of consequences of a second offense and may be required to write a letter of apology or perform another task as part of the probation. Academic Integrity Violations: FPU-5.005 3(a)- 3(I)- Zero on examination or assignment

Level 3

Second Offense when the first offense was Level 1.

Academic Integrity Violations: FPU-5.005 3(a)- 3(I) Zero in the class affected by the violation.

Level 4

Second Offense when the first offense was Level 2. Third Offense whether previous offenses were Level 1, 2, or 3.

Academic Integrity Violations: FPU-5.005 3(a)- 3(I) Zero in the class affected by the violation and 1-2 term suspension for second offense. Expulsion for third offense.