Sep 14, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog & Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog & Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Coding for Data Analytics Certificate

The Certificate in Coding for Data Analytics is an entry-level certificate available to students under special admissions to Florida Poly. Students start in the summer with one or two classes (required either pre-calculus or Calculus 1 depending on student’s qualifications) and, Concepts and Methods. Successful students (those who pass with a C or better in both courses (or one if only one is taken), will continue into the fall term as certificate seeking students.

The coding certificate curriculum is designed to provide students with a entry-level foundation in basic coding, analytics tools, and IT foundations to strengthen their eventual application to an internship (a degree-requirement at Florida Poly) or to enhance their total degree program experience, whether at Florida Poly or elsewhere. 

Certificate students are a critical part of the campus community and are eligible to live on campus and participate in University activities.


Program Rules
Prospective candidates are identified by Admissions and admitted to the University as certificate seeking students.

Prior to the spring term, successful certificate students who intend to continue at Florida Poly will enter an official degree declaration process that transitions the student into a baccalaureate degree program.

The Coding for Data Analytics Certificate is a stand-alone certificate which results in a transcript credential from Florida Polytechnic University.  

Certificate students enter summer and continue into fall, as certificate seeking students.  

Accelerated credit mechanisms may be accepted and applied to Certificate Program curriculum.

Students must take the Aleks placement exam prior to summer B registration.

Certificate students must earn a C or above in all Certificate courses. The requirement for a grade C or higher in each Certificate Program course is based on the length and purpose of the certificate. The length of the certificate program is 18 credits, and results in a transcripted credential from Florida Polytechnic University. In the 18 certificate credit hours, the certificate student must demonstrate competency in each course as well as competency in the overarching Certificate Program subject. A grade of C or above in each Certificate Program course is demonstration of this competency.

Students earning a C- or lower in any certificate course will be required to repeat that course at the next available opportunity in order to progress in the program.

Registration and Advising
Certificate students are eligible to take only courses that are within the certificate curriculum.

Certificate students receive an assigned schedule.

Students cannot change their schedule; any schedule changes must happen through the Academic Success Center (ASC).

Courses that are taken as part of the Certificate Program can be transferred into a degree seeking program. University policy on transfer credits will continue through to the Certificate Program courses.

Academic Progress Requirements
The Coding for Data Analytics Program certificate is awarded to students who have completed the 13 credit “Core Program” and a combination of at least five (5) pre-requisite.

Certificate students may apply pre-requisite and elective Certificate Program courses to a subsequent degree program. Application of credits range from 8 to 18 credit hours.

Certificate students must earn a C or above in all Certificate courses. A grade of C- or lower in any course will require that course to be repeated.


Summer B Term
Students eligible for Calculus 1, based on prior credit or an Aleks score of 75 or better, must take MAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 in summer B session and will take EGN 1007 - Concepts and Methods.

Students who do not test or place in MAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1, must take MAC 1147 - Precalculus College Algebra and Trigonometry. Students who have an Aleks score of 61 or below are permitted entry into MAC 1147 only.


Fall Term
Summer courses and performance determine the student’s fall schedule as set by the Academic Success Center (ASC).

All students will be registered for at least 12 credits.

Exceptional students may take up to 15, per review and approval by their ASC Coach.

Certificate students must take the courses that are required by the program and that are set by their academic success coach.


Spring Term
Certificate Program students are eligible to transition into a baccalaureate degree program upon completion of the degree declaration process in Fall. The degree declaration process is organized by the Academic Success Center. Each Certificate student will meet with their Academic Success Coach to complete the degree declaration process, taking into consideration the student’s progress in their FL Poly courses. Students who have earned grades of C- and below may be referred to the Readmissions Committee prior to continuation into their degree program.

Certificate Curriculum

Core Requirements