Jan 20, 2025  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration and Enrollment


Prior to registration for the student’s initial term at the University, each student accepted for admission must submit a signed medical history form, including documentation of appropriate immunizations as required by the University. International students must also submit the medical insurance required under Board of Governor’s regulation 6.009 before registering for classes.

All students are responsible for his or her registration status. Registration is completed online through the student portal. A student who makes changes to his or her registration should take into consideration the potential academic and financial impact. International students are responsible for maintaining their immigration status.

For more information see FPU-5.0102AP.

Enrollment Status

Undergraduate Degree and Non Degree-Seeking:


12 or more





Less Than Half-time


Graduate Degree and Non Degree-Seeking:


9 or more





Less Than Half-time


Student Classifications

Undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) students are classified on the basis of semester hours satisfactorily earned.


0 through 29 semester hours.


30 through 59 semester hours.


60 through 89 semester hours.


90 or more semester hours, prior to completing baccalaureate requirements.

Post-baccalaureate: Any student who is enrolled in a course, regardless of course level, who has a baccalaureate degree, is not working toward another baccalaureate degree, and has not been admitted to a graduate program.

Graduate: Any student enrolled in a graduate course (5000-6000 level) who has been admitted to a graduate program.

Student Holds

Holds may be placed on a student’s account, records, transcript, grades, diplomas or registration because of financial or other obligations to the University such as failure to turn in required paperwork or failure to participate in required advisements. Satisfaction of the obligation is required prior to the release of the hold by the office having authority.

Semester System

Florida Polytechnic University operates on a semester system. Each semester hour represents the equivalent of one instructional period of 50 minutes in length. The Fall and Spring semesters are 16 weeks in length (including one week of final exams). The Fall semester begins in August and ends in December and the Spring semester begins in January and ends early in May. The Summer semester typically has three terms: Term A is a 6-week term that begins in May and ends in June; Term B is a 6-week term that begins in June and ends in August; and Term C is a 12-week term that begins in May and ends in August. For additional information see FPU-5.003AP.

Summer Enrollment Requirement

Undergraduate students entering with fewer than 60-semester credit hours must earn at least nine (9) semester hours prior to graduation by attendance in one or more summer terms at any State University System (SUS) institution. They cannot be earned at a community college, state college, or private university.

University presidents or their designees may waive the application of this regulation in cases of unusual hardship to the individual. A student who wishes to have the rule waived must submit a Request for Waiver of Mandatory Summer Enrollment to the University Registrar.


Transcripts are released only with written authorization from the student. Telephone and fax requests for official transcripts will not be accepted. Transcripts will not be released for students who have a financial obligation to the University. Official transcript requests should be submitted to the Bursar’s Office, along with the fee payment. The Registrar’s Office will process the request. A $10 fee is charged for each official transcript requested.

Unofficial transcripts can be obtained via the student portal. There is no charge for unofficial transcripts. Graduating students receive one official transcript, free of charge, with their diplomas.

Transfer of Coursework

The University is committed to its obligation to maintain academic quality. When deciding whether to accept credits for transfer, the University considers the level, content, quality, comparability and degree program relevance. The University also accepts credit for Advanced Placement, Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education, CLEP, Excelsior College Exams, International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, Military Service (ACE) and USAF/DANTES. For more information on the acceptance of accelerated mechanisms see FPU-5.0009AP. For additional information on undergraduate transfer of credit see FPU-5.0082AP. For additional information on graduate transfer of coursework see FPU-5.0083AP.

Transient Student

Transient students are students who attend any State University System institution for only one term before returning to their home institutions.

There are two types of incoming transient students:

  • State University System (SUS) transient student is a student in good standing who is seeking a degree from a public Florida university and desires to take courses with Florida Polytechnic University. Students are asked to complete the SUS Transient Form. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • Transient students who are degree seeking at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution and wish to take classes at Florida Polytechnic University. These students need to contact the Florida Polytechnic University Office of Admissions and complete an application for non-degree enrollment.

There are two types of outgoing transient students:

  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at another State University System (SUS) institution. Students must complete the SUS Transient Form on the FloridaShines website. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution. Students must complete the Transient Student Form. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the other institution’s Office of Admissions and complete their application process.


Withdrawal is the formal process of leaving the University during a semester or at the end of a semester. Dropping all classes does not constitute formal withdrawal from the University and may have unintended consequences. A formal withdrawal can be initiated by submitting a completed Student Withdrawal Form in person, by mail, email or by fax to the Office of the University Registrar.

Students who formally withdraw from the university by the “Withdrawal Without Academic Penalty Deadline” as published in the Academic Calendar, will receive a grade of W in each course. A student who withdraws may not continue to attend class. Requests for appeals to the withdrawal policy should be submitted in writing with appropriate documentation to the Office of the University Registrar.

For additional information see FPU-5.01032AP. For information relating to withdraw from courses due to military service see FPU-4.005.


Student Records, FERPA, and Access

The Office of the Registrar is one of the official custodians of student records. Student records provided to the University become the property of the University and may be considered part of the student education record. These records cannot be returned to the student or released to a third party and will be used by University officials to assist students in their academic career and to conduct University business.

The University maintains student educational records in a confidential and secure manner in accordance with University policy and federal and state laws. Additional information may be found at the following:

  1. University records policies (FPU-1.0123P and FPU-3.001)
  2. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act(“FERPA”) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)  
  3. Florida Statutes 1002.225 and Florida Statutes 1006.52

A student has the right to review such information maintained in his or her educational record and to seek amendments or, in certain cases, append a statement to the record. A parent or legal guardian of a student under the age of 18 years and/or a dependent under the Internal Revenue Service definition of dependent may exercise such rights in accordance with applicable laws.

In the event of an unintentional release of student records due to unauthorized access, the University will notify all potentially affected students via email of the unauthorized release.

Students who believe the University has not maintained the confidentiality of their educational records as required by law may file a complaint by contacting the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920.

Directory Information and Release to Third Parties

Directory information is the information available about a student that is not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The follwoing is student directory information that may be released upon request or otherwise published without student consent:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s date and place of birth
  • Local and permanent addresses
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • University student ID number (not social security number)
  • Enrollment status
  • Dates of attendance at Florida Polytechnic University
  • Level and class
  • Majors, minors, certificates, concentrations
  • Degrees, honors, and awards earned by the student
  • Graduation date
  • Titles of publications by the student
  • Student’s photo
  • Student’s participation in officially recognized or registered activities and sports
  • Student’s weight and height when he/she is a member of an athletic team
  • Most recent previous educational institution attended by the student
  • Nature and place of the student’s employment at the University

For additional information see FPU-3.001.

Name Change

“Request for Change or Correction of Name” forms are available through the Office of the Registrar. For the purpose of authentication, original copies only if submitted in person or notarized copies of documents if mailed (i.e. marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.) noting the legal name change must be submitted with the request. Originals submitted in person are returned immediately. For more information see FPU-5.0011AP.


Prior to registration, each applicant accepted for admission must submit appropriate medical documentation to include, but not be limited to, documentation of appropriate immunization required by the University as provided by FPU 2.001.

Military Call to Active Duty Policy

A student who is currently enrolled at the University shall not incur academic or financial penalties by virtue of performing military service on behalf of the United States of America.  For more information see FPU 4.005

Religious Holidays

The Board of Governors and state law govern University policy regarding observance of religious holidays:

  • Students, upon prior notification to their instructors, shall be excused from class or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holy day of their faith.
  • Students shall be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up the material or activities covered in their absence.
  • Students shall not be penalized due to absence from class or other scheduled academic activity.
  • A faculty member who is informed of or aware that a significant number of students are likely to be absent from his or her class because of a religious observance, should not schedule a major exam or other academic event at that time.

Furthermore, a student who is to be excused from class for a religious holy day is not required to provide a second party certification of the reasons for the absence. Finally, a student who believes that he or she has been unreasonably denied an education benefit due to religious beliefs or practices may seek redress through the student grievance procedure.
For more information regarding religious observance see FPU 3.009.