Jul 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

2021-2022 Undergraduate Student Handbook

Welcome to Florida Poly’s Undergraduate Student Handbook (7th edition)!

Welcome from the Provost Admissions Disability Services
University Contact Information Financial Aid Student Health Services
Academic Calendar & University Holidays Student Administrative Services CARE Services
University Policies & Regulations Academic Services Auxiliary Enterprises
Title IX Academic Success Center Student Living & Residence Life
Student Code of Conduct Career Development Phoenix Food & Dining Services
Academic Policies & Regulations Student Development Parking
Ombuds Services Library Services University Police Dept.& Campus Safety

The 2021-2022 Student Handbook is the official student handbook of Florida Polytechnic University. It is prepared by Student Affairs staff to provide you with information about campus resources, student life, and University procedures. The University makes this handbook available to each student, and it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with its contents. By enrolling at this University, you agree to comply with all University policies, rules, and regulations. Ignorance of a policy, rule, or regulation will not be considered an excuse for failure to observe it. The University reserves the right to alter rules, regulations and policies referenced herein, for which notice will be given through standard and established channels.

Some important parts of the handbook include the Student Code of Conduct, and Academic Integrity. Please review these policies in their entirety. The handbook is only one of many useful sources of information about the University. Students should consult the University Course Catalog, along with their faculty advisors and the Vice Provost of Student Affairs, if they have further questions about any of the topics addressed here. Members of the University community - faculty, administration and staff - are ready to help all students when questions or problems arise. Florida Polytechnic University is committed to providing and maintaining a welcoming and dignified learning environment in which all members of the community appreciate and respect one another. The University does not tolerate any form of discriminatory behavior, which includes harassment or retaliation, directed toward another member of the University community based on his or her race, color, national origin, marital status, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or veteran status or any other legally protected basis. Any individual who feels he or she has been made a victim of discrimination or harassment, which includes any act of sexual misconduct, is strongly encouraged to report the incident to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator is available to discuss options for handling the matter and to identify counseling and support for victims, whether or not the victim chooses to make an official report or participate in the institutional disciplinary or criminal process.

The provisions of this handbook are not to be regarded as a contract between any student and the University. The University reserves the right to change any of the policies, rules, regulations and standards of conduct at any time as may be necessary in the interest of the University. The University also reserves the right to modify or discontinue any of the services, programs or activities described in this handbook. The Student Code of Conduct, as published on the University website, reflects the most up-to-date version of the regulation in its entirety.

The University may reproduce or modify this handbook, or parts of it, for distribution in other formats (for example, on a web page or in other forms for computer access, or in school or academic department publications). Students, applicants and other users of this handbook should consult with appropriate University offices to verify the current text or status of the policies, procedures or information contained herein to determine whether information in this handbook or other publications has been superseded or changed. Questions about the Student Handbook should be directed to Dr. Kathryn Miller, Vice Provost of Student Affairs at kmiller@floridapoly.edu.


Welcome from the Florida Poly Provost, Dr. Terry Parker!

As Florida Polytechnic University begins our eighth academic year, I am pleased to welcome all new and returning students.

This Undergraduate Academic Catalog and Student Handbook includes information regarding degrees and degree requirements, academic information and policies, student services and responsibilities.  The Catalog is not exhaustive, but it serves as a starting point for finding the information that you need.  Other important sources of information include the University websiteUniversity Policies, Regulations, and Rules, and PhoenixLink for information on student clubs and organizations. If you need help or have a question that is not answered in this handbook, please reach out to the Academic Success Center at success@floridapoly.edu. Faculty mentors are also great information resources. All faculty post their office hours on their office door and on their Canvas course sites.

Florida Poly’s degree programs are challenging, and it is important for you to find connections at the university that help you. Connections include your peers, faculty, and staff who are all resources who can help find solutions or address any difficulties you may face. These connections will help you grow as a student, a leader, and, as we like to say at Florida Poly - the next solution innovator.

Student programming and campus activities focus on four primary values that, together, comprise the values of the Florida Poly graduate:

  • Leadership:  Individual Excellence and Institutional Pride
  • Collaboration:  Impactful Community Members
  • Innovation:  Ethical Problem Solvers
  • Adaptability:  Intentionally Healthy Individuals

Students develop these values in the various curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular opportunities on campus. Join a Registered Student Organization (club), participate in intramurals at the Student Development Center, form a study group in your residence hall, apply for a student worker position. Get involved! Our campus community is strongest when students are engaged and contribute to the Florida Poly experience.

The last 18 months with the COVID19 pandemic have brought enormous disruption to our lives and all sectors of our economy.  In the Fall of 2021, Florida Poly returns to “operations as normal.”  Social distancing “rules” that have lowered the population in all of our classrooms and labs have been removed and we are currently not operating in a “masks required” environment.  However, this does not mean that the pandemic has not left its mark.  We do know that many students suffered through a large educational disruption and getting back to “learning as normal” may be challenging.  In some cases, adjusting to the face-to-face classroom environment may be difficult, in other cases, students may find gaps in their preparation.  This all means that students must pay extra attention to their classes, their daily learning performance, and be honest with themselves about their progress.  I urge students to all be extraordinarily proactive in seeking help at the earliest signs of learning difficulty.  Repairing a difficult start to class is almost always possible; recovering from multiple failed exams late the semester is many times not possible.  In short, we are all excited to get back to “normal.”  

I encourage you to embrace the Florida Poly experience. Study hard, challenge yourself and become a part of Florida Poly.

Good luck with this year, and I look forward to seeing you on campus.


Dr. Terry Parker


University Contact Information 


Phone Number

Email Address

Florida Polytechnic University



Academic Success Center




800-585-7659 (POLY)


CARE Services



Career Services






Copy Center



Dining Services



Health and Wellness Services



Library Services



Ombuds Office



Parking and Transportation






Student Business Services



Student Living



Student Development



Student IDs



Technology Services



Title IX Coordinator



University Police Department




CALL 911


Academic Calendar & University Holidays

Academic Calendar

The Registrar’s Office manages Florida Poly’s official Academic Calendar, which contains the dates and times for all registration periods, application deadlines, holidays, special events, and more. The final exam schedule can also be found here. Please visit the Florida Poly website for the most up-to-date academic calendar

Religious Holidays

Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices, and Beliefs: 

The University will reasonably accommodate the religious observances, practices and beliefs of individuals in regard to admissions, class attendance and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments.

When feasible, the University and faculty will seek to avoid scheduling major examinations, major assignments and University ceremonies on major religious holy days. For the purposes of this regulation, a recognized religious holy day is a significant day of religious observance as recognized by the highest governing body of that particular faith.

Students should review course requirements and meeting days and times before a semester begins to avoid foreseeable conflicts with religious observances, as excessive absences in a given term may make it difficult for a student to successfully complete the academic requirements of a course.

A student who wishes to observe a religious holy day of their religious faith shall notify all of their instructors in advance and shall be excused from classes or other academic or educational activity for the purpose of observing the religious holy day.

Please see FPU-3.009 Reasonable Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices, and Beliefs to read in its entirety.

University Holidays

The University observes the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. (third Monday in January)
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day
  • Winter Break (the four-week days between December 25 and January 1)

If any holiday listed above falls on a Saturday, the Friday preceding that holiday shall be observed as a holiday. If any holiday listed above falls on a Sunday, the following Monday after the holiday shall be observed as a holiday.

Reading Days

The two days prior to the start of examinations in the fall and spring semesters, generally a Thursday and Friday, are designated reading days. No classes are held on these days; instead, students are encouraged to use these days for study and review. There are no reading days in the summer terms because examinations are given during regular class periods. Please see the academic calendar for the full list of dates.

University Policies & Regulations

Student Code of Conduct 

The Student Code of Conduct is designed to promote responsible behavior by all students consistent with the values and welfare of the Florida Polytechnic University community. It exists to define the behavioral rights and responsibilities of University students and student organizations. The Code of Conduct fosters and enhances the academic mission of the University, as well as protects the rights of all University students, faculty and staff. Sanctions for misconduct and the appeal processes are defined in the full policy.

Further explanation can be found in the Academic Catalog, Student Rights and Responsibilities . Please see FPU-3.006 Student Code of Conduct in the University Policies and Regulations to read in its entirety.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An “eligible student” under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.) These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the University receives a request for access. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the school official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA.

A student who wishes to ask the University to amend a record should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed.

If the University decides not to amend the record as requested, the University will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing re­garding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

The right to provide written consent before the University discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.

The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the University in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law en­forcement unit personnel and health staff); a person serving on the board of trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance com­mittee. A school official also may include a volunteer or contractor outside of the University who performs an institutional service of function for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the school with respect to the use and maintenance of PII from education records, such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent or a student volunteering to assist another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educa­tion record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities for the University.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

See the list below of the disclosures that postsecondary institutions may make without consent.

FERPA permits the disclosure of PII from students’ education records, without consent of the student, if the disclosure meets certain conditions found in § 99.31 of the FERPA regulations. Except for disclosures to school officials, disclosures related to some judicial orders or lawfully issued subpoenas, disclosures of directory information, and disclosures to the student, § 99.32 of FERPA regulations requires the institution to record the disclosure. Eligible students have a right to inspect and review the record of disclosures. A postsecondary institution may disclose PII from the education records without obtaining prior written consent of the student -

  • To other school officials, including teachers, within University whom the school has determined to have legitimate educational interests. This includes contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the school has outsourced institutional services or functions, provided that the conditions listed in § 99.31(a)(1)(i)(B)(1) - (a)(1)(i)(B)(3) are met. (§ 99.31(a)(1))
  • To officials of another school where the student seeks or intends to enroll, or where the student is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer, subject to the requirements of § 99.34. (§ 99.31(a)(2))
  • To authorized representatives of the U. S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or State and local educational authorities, such as a State postsecondary authority that is responsible for supervising the university’s State-supported education programs. Disclosures under this provision may be made, subject to the requirements of §99.35, in connection with an audit or evaluation of Federal- or State-supported education programs, or for the enforcement of or compliance with Federal legal requirements that relate to those programs. These entities may make further disclosures of PII to outside entities that are designated by them as their authorized representatives to conduct any audit, evaluation, or enforcement or compliance activity on their behalf. (§§ 99.31(a)(3) and 99.35)
  • In connection with financial aid for which the student has applied or which the student has received, if the information is necessary to determine eligibility for the aid, determine the amount of the aid, determine the conditions of the aid, or enforce the terms and conditions of the aid. (§ 99.31(a)(4))
  • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, the school, in order to: (a) develop, validate, or administer predictive tests; (b) administer student aid programs; or (c) improve instruction. (§ 99.31(a)(6))
  • To accrediting organizations to carry out their accrediting functions. (§ 99.31(a)(7))
  • To parents of an eligible student if the student is a dependent for IRS tax purposes. (§  99.31(a)(8))
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena. (§ 99.31(a)(9))
  • To appropriate officials in connection with a health or safety emergency, subject to § 99.36. (§  99.31(a)(10))
  • Information the school has designated as “directory information” under § 99.37. (§ 99.31(a)(11))
  • To a victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense, subject to the requirements of § 99.39. The disclosure may only include the final results of the disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless of the finding. (§ 99.31(a)(13))
  • To the general public, the final results of a disciplinary proceeding, subject to the requirements of § 99.39, if the school determines the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the school’s rules or policies with respect to the allegation made against him or her. (§ 99.31(a)(14))
  • To parents of a student regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the school, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the school determines the student committed a disciplinary violation and the student is under the age of 21. (§99.31(a)(15))

Additional Information may be found at https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/students.html.

Directory Information and Release to Third Parties

Directory information is the information available about a student that is not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The following is student directory information that may be released upon request or otherwise published without student consent:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s date and place of birth
  • Local and permanent addresses
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • University student ID number (not social security number)
  • Enrollment status
  • Dates of attendance at Florida Polytechnic University
  • Level and class
  • Majors, minors, certificates, concentrations
  • Degrees, honors, and awards earned by the student
  • Graduation date
  • Titles of publications by the student
  • Student’s photo
  • Student’s participation in officially recognized or registered activities and sports
  • Student’s weight and height when he/she is a member of an athletic team
  • Most recent previous educational institution attended by the student
  • Nature and place of the student’s employment at the University

For additional information, see FPU-3.001 Confidentiality of Students Records and Applicant Records.

Student Educational Records 

The University maintains student educational records in a confidential and secure manner in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, (“FERPA”), also known as the Buckley Amendment (20 U.S.C. 1232g). Florida Statutes Section 1002.225 provides certain rights to students concerning their student records. Florida Statutes Section 1006.52 makes both student records and applicant records confidential and exempt from disclosure under the State’s Public Records Law.

Please see FPU-3.001 Confidentiality of Student Records and Applicant Records policy to read in its entirety.

Grade Forgiveness Policy 

The Grade Forgiveness Policy is a method by which undergraduate and non-degree students may repeat a limited number of courses, provided the initial grade earned for the designated course is less than a “C”, to improve their grade point average (GPA).

Undergraduate degree and non-degree students may be eligible for a grade forgiveness upon meeting the following requirements:

  • Grade Forgiveness may only be granted for courses taken and repeated at Florida Polytechnic University.
  • Original course grade of C- or lower has been recorded on the individual’s academic record.
  • The repeated grade must be higher than the recorded original course grade.
  • The student must complete and submit the Grade Forgiveness form no later than the designated graduation application deadline date as stated in the Academic Calendar for the semester the student intends to apply for graduation. Students are strongly encouraged to apply for Grade Forgiveness upon the student’s completion of the repeat course or by the graduation application deadline if they are in their final semester.

Additional Conditions for Grade Forgiveness Eligibility:

  • Grade Forgiveness is limited to two (2) courses (a single time per course) during a student’s undergraduate career.
  • Only 1000-4000 level courses are considered eligible for Grade Forgiveness.
  • All course grades remain on the student’s academic transcript. Grade Forgiveness granted courses will be appropriately designated by an official comment on the student’s transcript.
  • Courses in which a student has received an academic dishonesty penalty are not considered eligible for grade forgiveness.
  • Departments may have further restrictions; therefore, the student should discuss their eligibility for Grade Forgiveness with their academic advisor. Applications for Grade Forgiveness can be obtained from online or in the Office of the Registrar. For more information see FPU-5.0006AP.

Military Calls to Active Duty

The purpose of regulation FPU-4.005 Student Withdrawal from Courses Due to Military Service is to provide the policies for students currently enrolled at the University who are called to, or enlist in, active military service to withdraw from courses.A student who is currently enrolled at the University shall not incur academic or financial penalties by virtue of performing military service on behalf of the United States of America. For the purposes of this regulation, “active military service” means active duty in the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard of the State of Florida, or other military service as provided in Florida statutes. The student must provide official orders or appropriate military certification to verify such military service.

For more information see FPU 4.005.

Name Change 

Official name change forms are available through the Office of the University Registrar. For the purpose of authentication, students are required to present a valid form of supporting documentation showing both the change and the reason when the form is submitted.

  • Marriage License
  • Divorce decree
  • Legal name change documentation
  • Social Security card, signed
  • Passport
  • Current Florida driver’s license or State issued I.D. card

Original copies and the form must be submitted in person. Originals submitted in person are returned immediately. If unable to submit in person, the request and notarized copies of the original documents may be mailed to Florida Polytechnic University, Attn: Registrar’s Office, 4700 Research Way; Lakeland, FL 33805-8531.

Students requesting a name change and reissue of diploma will be responsible for the cost of the new diploma. Name change requests from non-enrolled students will not be honored.

Please see FPU-5.011AP Name Change on Academic Records policy to read in its entirety.

Alcohol Policy

Florida Polytechnic University does not prohibit the legal consumption of alcohol on its campus or properties under its control. The intent of the alcohol policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the legal and responsible use of alcohol on University property. The use of alcohol by members of the University community is subject to the applicable alcoholic beverages laws and ordinances of the State of Florida, the City of Lakeland and Polk County at all times. No person may sell, furnish or give alcohol to any person under the age of 21.

Please see the FPU-1.0003P Alcohol Policy to read in its entirety.

Title IX & Sexual Misconduct

Maintaining a campus free from sexual misconduct is important to the Florida Poly Community. The University is committed to fostering an environment that promotes prompt reporting of all types of sexual misconduct, prohibits retaliation, provides options for resolution that is timely and fair for all complaints.

Florida Polytechnic University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. Title IX of the Higher Educations Amendments of 1972, 20 USC 1681 et seq., a Federal civil rights law, prohibits such discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.

To be considered under the jurisdiction of Title IX, the alleged Sexual Harassment must have occurred to the person participating or attempting to participate in the University’s education program or activity within the United States.

  • Education program or activity includes locations, events, or circumstances over which the University has exercised substantial control over.
  • The University must have jurisdiction over the Respondent and the Complainant during the time of reporting, this includes both students and employees.

Even if an allegation falls outside of the Title IX jurisdiction, the University may move forward following the process outlined in University policy:


Any member of the University community may submit a report or by disclosing to a University employee (Faculty, Staff, Resident Assistants, and University Police).  Any member of the University community may seek guidance, resources, or file a complaint, in accordance with this policy, by contacting:

Michelle Disson

Title IX Coordinator

4700 Research Way, ASC East, Lakeland, FL 33805




Confidential Employees:

Employees, vendors, and contractors working in Counseling Services, medical services, and the University Ombudsperson.  These resources do not have to report any disclosure of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator.


  • Supportive measures offered to students are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate and as reasonably available. (i.e. academic assistance, housing assistance, No Contact Orders, safe ride/walk).
  • Counseling Services - on and off campus counseling available by reaching out to care@floridapoly.edu or call BayCare’s Student Assistance Program 24/7 800-878-5906.
  • Peace River Center - local crisis center that offers victim services, counseling, advocacy, legal assistance.

For more information visit the University webpage and related University Policies.


The University prohibits all forms of hazing as defined by the Student Code of Conduct, regardless of where or when the hazing occurs. In addition to facing disciplinary actions by the University, students engaging in hazing may face criminal charges under Section 1006.63, Florida Statutes.

Please see FPU-30062P Anti Hazing policy to read the policy in its entirety.

Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Policy 

The University is committed to providing and maintaining a dignified environment in which all members of the University community appreciate and respect one another by collectively sustaining a welcoming environment to work, study and interact with one another free from any form of unlawful discrimination.

The University shall not unlawfully discriminate in offering access to any educational programs or activities or in conducting its employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, marital status, sex, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or veteran status (each hereinafter referred to as a “protected class”) or any other legally protected class or basis under applicable federal and/or state laws. The purpose of this regulation is to provide the University’s expectations to maintain and foster an inclusive and welcoming environment in which diversity is valued and opportunity is equalized. This regulation provides guidelines and information regarding conduct that constitutes unlawful discrimination or harassment; reporting responsibilities; and requirements for filing a complaint of discrimination or harassment with the University. All complaints of discrimination or harassment filed with the University will be handled in accordance with applicable University grievance and disciplinary procedures.

Please see FPU-1.004 Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity policy to read in its entirety.

Discrimination and Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures

The purpose of this regulation is to allow the University to maintain its commitment to provide an environment free from any form of unlawful discrimination and to ensure compliance with the various applicable federal and state laws that prohibit discrimination. This regulation provides the procedures and related guidelines for handling and investigating complaints filed with the University that allege discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy and Non-Discrimination/Equal Opportunity Regulation.

Please see FPU-1.005P Discrimination and Harassment Complaint and Investigation Procedures policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Policies and Regulations


Florida Polytechnic University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award baccalaureate and masters degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Florida Polytechnic University.

See also www.sacscoc.org.

Program Accreditations

  • The Bachelor of Science degree programs in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. www.abet.org
  • The Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET. www.abet.org

Academic Freedom and Responsibility

The University administration and faculty shall fully maintain, encourage and protect academic freedom.

Academic freedom is essential to the University. It includes both freedom of thought and expression, and it applies to teaching, research/creative activities, and professional, public and University service.

Academic freedom is accompanied by corresponding faculty and administration responsibilities, arising from the nature of the educational process. Faculty members are free to discuss all relevant matters in the classroom, to explore all avenues of scholarship, research and creative expression and to speak freely on all matters of University governance without fear of University censorship, retaliation or discipline.

Students also play an important role in academic freedom. Students have the right and are encouraged to engage in inquiry and discussion; to exchange thought and opinion; and to speak, write, and print freely on any subject.

All members of the University community have the responsibility to respect the academic freedom of others. Please see FPU-5.001 Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Integrity

This regulation provides the processes to be followed when a student is alleged to have violated the Academic Integrity regulation and indicates the potential consequences and sanctions when a student is found responsible for such violation.

The University is an academic community. Its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of knowledge. Essential to the fundamental purpose of the University is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic honesty. Accordingly, the Academic Integrity regulation is designed to ensure that the principle of academic honesty is upheld. While all members of the University share this responsibility, special responsibility for upholding the principle of academic honesty lies with the students. In order to maintain the integrity of the academic process, all students must commit to the highest ethical standards in completion of all academic pursuits and endeavors. The faculty share with the administration the responsibility for educating students about the importance and principles of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity diminish the value of your degree. 

Please see FPU-5.005 Academic Integrity regulation to read it in its entirety.

Sanctioning Guidelines for Academic Integrity

Application of sanctioning guidelines lie with the purview of the faculty. Faculty consider a range of factors when it comes to issuing sanctions including the severity of the infraction, the conditions surrounding the student and/or their infraction, as well as the level of the student: a freshman and a graduate student ought to be held to different standards, for example.

The following definitions and guidelines were originally developed by Behrend College and adapted by Penn State. These guidelines are based on the assumption that it is the student’s first offense, which is the assumption that all faculty should make when assigning a sanction. As explained in the policy, should this it be found that this is in fact not a first infraction, additional or more severe sanctions may be applied by the the Academic Integrity Hearing Committee.

Levels of Offense

  • MINOR OFFENSES: In general, minor offenses involve errors in judgment without a clear intent by the student to violate academic integrity.
  • MODERATE OFFENSES: In general, moderate offenses are unpremeditated dishonest acts that directly affect only one student.
  • MAJOR OFFENSES: In general, major offenses are premeditated dishonest acts or dishonest acts that directly affect the grade of other students.


academic integrity sanctioning guidelines



Offense: Academic Sanction Range

Copying: examples include a student looking at another student’s work during an exam, a student copying an assignment from another student, students exchanging color-coded exams for the purpose of copying.

In determining severity, consider the weight of the exam or the assignment as related to total percentage of course grade, the frequency of copied answers or amount of copied material, whether or not it was premeditated or spontaneous, and any other significant factors.

Minor: Reduced exam or assignment grade to 0 for assignment or exam

Moderate: 0 for assignment or exam to reduced course grade

Major: F for course

Submitting Another Person’s Work As Your Own or Submitting Another Person’s Work Without Proper Citation: for example, a student submits work created by another person as his/her own; a student presents information indicating it is not the student’s own work but fails to properly cite the source. These are commonly referred to as plagiarism.

In determining severity, consider the weight of the assignment as related to the total percentage of course grade, whether or not the fabrication or plagiarism was a substantive portion of the assignment, and attempt to determine whether this was a clear case of intentional dishonesty or careless scholarship.

Minor: Redo the assignment with reduction in grade to 0 for assignment with or without redo of assignment

Moderate: Reduction in final course grade in addition to 0 for assignment

Major: F for course

Unauthorized Test Possession, Purchase, or Supplying: for example, when a student possesses an exam without the instructor’s permission; a student purchases or steals an exam; a student fails to return an exam which was requested to be returned; a student makes a copy of an exam; or sells an exam.

With rare exception, this form of misconduct is premeditated and deceptive with the intent to defraud. The manner in which the exam was obtained is critical in determining appropriate action. A student may access old exams and not be aware viewing the exam is a violation.  In other instances, a student may have stolen an exam or is found in possession of an exam knowing it is not permitted.

Minor: 0 for exam

Moderate: Reduction in course grade to F for course

Major: F for course

Ghosting: for example, a student takes a quiz or exam or completes an exercise or assignment on behalf of another student;

NOTE: it is possible that students involved in such violations may not be enrolled in the instructor’s class and there is not an option to assign an academic sanction. In such instances the instructor should notify the Office of Student Conduct or Student Conduct Designee.

Although this form of misconduct is inherently premeditated and deceptive, severity should be assessed based on the percentage of course grade the violation entails.

Faculty may also consider the nature of the deception - for example, signing in for another student in order to gain class participation points vs. having another student complete an assignment or take an exam for a student

Minor (primarily used when ghosting was for participation points or in-class low credit assignment): 0 for participation points; 0 for assignment to reduced grade for course participation credit.

Moderate: 0 for quiz or exam and reduction in course grade

Major: F for course

Altering Exams or Assignments: for example, a student changes incorrect answers and requests a favorable grade adjustment when instructor returns graded assignments/exams for review; a student changes the letter and/or numerical grade on an exam/assignment after the instructor has assigned the final grade.

This form of misconduct is deceptive with the intent to defraud and may also affect the credibility of an instructor. Consideration should be given to whether the act was premeditated or spontaneously committed out of panic. In determining severity, consider the extent to which the exam or assignment was altered, the weight of the exam as related to total percentage of course grade, and other significant factors.

Minor: 0 for exam or assignment

Moderate: Reduced course grade to F in course

Major: F for course

Improper Use of Technology: for example, a student possesses and/or uses a cell phone when one is not permitted; a student uses software or electronic aides such as calculators, computers, handheld devices, etc. when not permitted by the instructor.

When sanctioning, consider if the technology was used for misconduct.
Also consider whether the misconduct was premeditated, the impact it potentially had on student’s course grade, and the level of dishonest activity in which the student engaged.

Minor: Warning to Reduction in assignment or exam grade

Note: When students possess an unauthorized electronic device but there appears no evidence of intended use, a faculty may issue a warning and not reduce the student’s course grade

Moderate: Reduced course grade

Major: F for course

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty by Others: for example, a student permits another student to copy an exam or assignment; a student provides a completed assignment to another student and allows the student to submit it as his or her own; a student writes another student’s paper or completes another student’s assignment and then provides it to the student so they may receive credit; a student shares information about an exam with another student who has not taken the exam.

NOTE: it is possible that students involved in such violations may not be enrolled in an instructor’s class and the instructor may not have the option to assign an academic sanction. In such instances the instructor should notify the Office of Student Conduct or Student Conduct Designee.

For students who are enrolled in the class, consider the impact their actions had on the grade of the student they were assisting in measuring the severity of the violation. 

Minor: Reduced assignment grade for what the student submitted

Moderate: 0 for assignment student submitted

Major: Reduced grade in course

Submitting Work Previously Used Without Permission: for example, a student submits work completed previously for another course or assignment without the instructor’s permission.

*This violation assumes that the work submitted is the student’s own work, submitted on more than one previous occasion.

Students appear to be less informed regarding this form of academic dishonesty, and in some cases, you may find that this breach occurs to some degree in an inadvertent manner as compared to other forms of academic dishonesty.

Minor: Warning and Redo assignment to Redo Assignment and reduced grade for assignment

Moderate: Redo assignment with reduced grade to 0 for assignment

Major: 0 for assignment to F in the course

Unauthorized Collaboration: for example, working with another student on an assignment or exam.

When sanctioning, consider whether or not the misconduct was premeditated, the impact it potentially had on the student’s course grade, and the level of dishonest activity in which the student engaged.

Faculty may wish to consider a more serious sanction when students were explicitly instructed not to collaborate

Minor: Redo assignment.

Reduced assignment or exam grade

Moderate: 0 for assignment or exam

Major: 0 for assignment or exam and reduction in course grade

Unauthorized Use of Study Aids: for example, using or possessing crib sheets; pre-programming an electronic device to provide solutions; using notes, texts, etc. without the permission of the instructor.

When sanctioning, consider whether or not the misconduct was premeditated, the impact it potentially had on student’s course grade, and the level of dishonest activity in which the student engaged.

Minor: Reduced exam grade if determined use is limited to failure of exam

Moderate: Failure of exam to reduced course grade

Major: F for course


Articulation Agreement

Florida has long been considered a national leader in developing highly effective articulation at the state and local levels between and among institutions and sectors.

Click here to see how state statutes define articulation and access to post-secondary education.

Acceptance of Articulated Acceleration Methods

The University will accept credit awarded through one or any combination of state-approved acceleration methods not to exceed 45 credit hours. Credits awarded through this method must meet or exceed minimum scores established by the Statewide Articulation Agreement.

Please see FPU-5.009AP Acceptance of Articulated Acceleration Mechanisms policy to read in its entirety.

Institutional Articulation Agreements

The University holds articulation agreements with various institutions. These agreements can be found in the Academic Catalog, Transfer Students section.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property includes inventions, industrial designs, trade secrets, mask works, tangible research material, copyrightable works and related trademarks.

Please see FPU-1.0061P Intellectual Property policy to read in its entirety.

Office of Student Ombuds Services

The Office of the Ombud exists to serve all students of the University. Reporting directly to the President, the Ombuds operates in an impartial, informal and non-adversarial manner pursuant to Florida Statues sections: 1002.21; 1006.51 & Board of Governors Regulation 6.011.

The purpose of the Office of the Ombuds is to assist students in resolving problems and conflicts that arise in the course of interacting with Florida Polytechnic University. By considering problems in an unbiased way, the Ombuds seeks to achieve a fair resolution and protect the rights of all parties involved. The Ombuds works with students to interpret University policy, identify options and strategies for resolving issues and serve as a mediator when appropriate. As an example, the Ombuds may not initiate a grade change or academic adjustment; however, the Ombuds may refer the student to the appropriate academic officer.

In service to students, the Office of the Ombuds will:

  • Administer through its processes, fair and equitable services to students who voluntarily seek confidential and impartial hearing of concerns they have or concerns they believe have not been adequately addressed through formal channels.
  • Operate in accordance with standards of practice, upholding principles of independence and neutrality when responding to any student inquiry, concern or conflict.
  • Recommend changes to processes or procedures that hinder resolving the issue or are causing an inordinate delay.
  • Seek to resolve problems through various methods, including investigation, mediation or making referrals to the appropriate University department for review.
  • Students may voluntarily choose to use the services of the Office of the Ombuds at any time, before, during or even after formal appeal processes have been exhausted or proven unsuccessful.

For more information or services, please contact the Office of the Ombuds at 863-874-8544, on WhatsApp at 337-263-6118, or email ombuds@floridapoly.edu. The office is located in the Provost’s Suite in the IST.

Note: if you are concerned about confidentiality, call and make your appointment. Email may be subject to Florida Public Records Laws.

Filing a Complaint

Below is contact information for filing a complaint about the institution with the Florida Board of Governors.

Florida Board of Governors State University System
325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1614
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-0466
Fax: 850-245-9685

To request that a complaint be addressed, please read the instructions and fill out the Student Complaint Form.

Below is contact information for filing a complaint about the institution with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
1866 Southern Lane
Decatur, GA 30033
Phone:  404-679-4500
Fax: 404-679-4558

To request that a complaint be addressed, please read the following instructions and fill out the complaint form: http://www.sacscoc.org/pdf/081705/complaintpolicy.pdf



Prior to registration for the student’s initial term at the University, each student accepted for admission is required to submit a signed medical history form, including documentation of appropriate immunizations as required by the University. International students must submit the medical insurance required under Board of Governors regulation prior to registering for classes.

Please see FPU-5.0102AP Registration to read in its entirety.

Admissions to the University and Appeal Process

Admission of students to Florida Polytechnic University is within the jurisdiction of the University, but subject to the regulations of the Florida Board of Governors. Therefore, the University regulations on admissions must be read in conjunction with Chapter 6 of the Board of Governors regulations.

Please see FPU-2.001 Admission to the University and Appeal Process policy to read in its entirety.

Admission of AA Graduates from Florida Institutions

Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.004 requires that an AA graduate from a Florida public post-secondary institution receive priority for admission to a state university over out-of-state transfer students.  Recruitment materials, catalogs, orientation programs and student handbooks provided to freshman enrollees and transfer students at state universities shall include an explanation of this provision. To read this regulation in its entirety, please click on the following link:

Please see FPU-2.004 Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Student policy to read in its entirety.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements: The minimum eligibility requirements for transfer students seeking admission to undergraduate degree programs at Florida Polytechnic University are as provided in the Florida Board of Governors regulation 6.004 Admission of Undergraduate, Degree-Seeking Transfer Students. However, applicants who satisfy the Board of Governors’ minimum requirements are not automatically guaranteed admission to the University, as the University reserves the right to require more stringent admissions requirements.

Please see FPU-2.004 Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students policy to read in its entirety.

Early Admission and Dual Enrollment

Early Admission decisions are made as a result of a comprehensive review in the same manner as First Time in College student admission decisions. Eligibility requirements for the Dual Enrollment Program are outlined in the articulation agreements between Florida Polytechnic University and the respective school district.

Please see FPU-2.002 Early Admission and Dual Enrollment policy to read in its entirety.

First Time in College (FTIC)

FTIC students seeking admission are defined as applicants who have earned a standard high school diploma from a Florida public or regionally accredited high school, or its equivalent, and who have earned fewer than twelve (12) semester hours of transferable college credit since receiving a standard high school diploma or its equivalent. First Time in College (FTIC) Students applying for admission are required to submit unofficial transcripts or the Self-Reported Student Academic Record (SSAR). All FTIC students are required at a minimum to self-report SAT or ACT scores in order to be considered for admission. These documents can be submitted via the application or Common App but also via email to the Admissions Office. 

Please see FPU-2.003 First Time in College policy to read in its entirety.

Admission of International Students

Minimum Eligibility Requirements: The minimum eligibility requirements for international students seeking admission to Florida Polytechnic University are as provided in the Florida Board of Governors regulation 6.009 Admission of International Students to State University System (SUS) Institutions. In addition, international applicants who satisfy the Board of Governors’ minimum requirements must also meet the regular admission requirements as set forth by the University.

Please see FPU-2.005 Admission of International Students policy to read in its entirety.

Financial Aid & Scholarship Information


Students who have been admitted to Florida Polytechnic University and are eligible to receive a Florida Poly Scholarship must abide by the scholarship eligibility requirements.

  • Student must be enrolled full-time each Fall and Spring semester
  • Undergraduate students must meet the minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50
  • Graduate student must meet the minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0
  • Student must complete 67% of all credits attempted with a passing grade

Undergraduate students may be eligible for the Florida Poly Scholarship for up to 4 consecutive years or until they are conferred as graduated, whichever comes first. 

Graduate students may be eligible for the Florida Poly Scholarship for up to 2 consecutive years or until they are conferred as graduated, whichever comes first.

Annual awards are disbursed equitably between the Fall and Spring semesters.  Florida Poly Scholarships are not awarded during Summer semester.

Eligibility requirements are reviewed at the end of every Summer semester.

Students may use the Summer semester to improve their Grade Point Average or Completion Ratio.

Students are expected and responsible for knowing their scholarship eligibility requirements:

**Florida Polytechnic University may offer a probationary period to Florida Poly Scholarship recipients if they are unable to meet scholarship requirements.  If offered a probationary period, students are given 1 Academic Year to meet eligibility before having their scholarship canceled.**

Federal Student Aid

The Office of Financial Aid at Florida Polytechnic University will be your point of contact for any questions and concerns about Federal Student Aid.  The following are the Federal programs that are disbursed at Florida Polytechnic University:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Direct Loans (Subsidized and Unsubsidized)
  • Federal PLUS Loans
  • Federal Work Study

Each of the Federal Aid Programs offered at Florida Polytechnic University require a current, error free, and verified Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  For Direct Loan programs, a Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling is required.  For PLUS Loan programs, a Master Promissory Note, Entrance Counseling, and Credit Check is required.  Our Federal School Code to send all of your Federal Aid information is: 042634

In order to be eligible for Federal Student Aid, all students must meet specific Federal Requirements:

  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress
    • Undergraduates - 2.0 Cumulative GPA, Pass 67% of all classes attempted, Complete your degree within 180 credit hours attempted.
    • Graduates - 3.0 Cumulative GPA, Pass 67% of all classes, Complete your degree within 70 credit hours attempted.
  • Be a U.S. Citizen,  U.S. National, U.S. Permanent Resident, Hold an I-94 showing Refugee, Asylum Granted, Cuban-Haitian Entrant, Conditional Entrant, or Parolee.
  • Have a clean National Student Loan Data System record - Cannot be in Default of previous student loans, borrowed past your aggregate limit, or have any other form of Federal flagging that prohibits you from receiving Federal Aid.

For Additional information on Federal Student Aid, and how to apply, please review the following links:

**Students that wish to receive Federal Student Aid MUST ACCEPT their awards in the CAMS Student Information System.  Funds will not disburse until “Accepted”**

Florida Bright Futures

The Office of Financial Aid at Florida Polytechnic University will be your point of contact for any questions and concerns about your Bright Futures awards. The following are important steps you need to take to ensure that your Bright Futures Scholarship can be used at Florida Polytechnic University:

  • We are requesting that all students using their Bright Futures Scholarship in the upcoming school year return to their Bright Futures application and add Florida Polytechnic University as their school of choice for sending scholarship funds. Until you have chosen Florida Polytechnic University as your primary school, we are unable to receive your scholarship funds.
  • The application also will ask you to designate to which “terms” the funds should be allocated. Choose “Term 1” and “Term 2.”
  • As a Bright Futures recipient, students will be responsible for understanding the regulations, policies and procedures that govern their scholarship dollars. Below are several terms of Bright Futures that students must adhere to in order to use their awards:
  • Students must maintain a minimum GPA in order to be considered for renewal in the following Academic Year:
  • 3.0 for Florida Academic Scholars; 2.75 for Medallion Scholars.
  • Students must complete the minimum amount of credit hours required by the Florida Department of Education.
  • Students are required to repay the University for any award hours for courses that have been dropped or withdrawn. Florida Polytechnic University will not award any future Bright Futures awards to the student until these funds have been paid back to Florida Polytechnic University.
  • Students must be attending at least Half-Time (6-8 credit hours) to be eligible for their Bright Futures award.
  • Please be aware that, as of 2012-2013, Florida Gold Seal Scholarship recipients are only eligible to receive the Gold Seal funding at a Vocational or Technical Institution. Florida Polytechnic University will be unable to award Gold Seal for our students, as we are not categorized as a Vocational or Technical Institution.

For more information on your Bright Futures award, or on our prospective students, please review the State of Florida’s Office of Student Financial Assistance page.

Financial Aid Disbursement Timeline

  • Financial Aid funds are packaged in CAMS Student Information System.
  • Week 1 or Add/Drop Week:  Students can change schedule without financial liability.  However, financial aid awards will be based on the amount of credits being taken in the semester.
  • Beginning Week 2:  Beginning Week 2:  Awarded financial aid funds begin to disburse to your CAMS account to cover any institutional charges (tuition, fees, meal plan). Any excess amount of aid on your account can be delivered to Student Living with your authorization. Because our housing is owned by a third party, authorization is required in order to send financial aid funds. If you would like us to send your financial directly to Student Living, please complete the Authorization to Apply Financial Aid to Housing Charges form and return to financialaid@floridapoly.edu. The form must be completed each semester by Week 2 if you would like the University to send funds directly to housing.
  • Beginning Week 3:  Any remaining financial aid credit is refunded to the student, after all institutional charges are paid.

Financial Aid Appeals

Students attending Florida Polytechnic University may appeal decisions related to the awarding, reinstatement or repayment of their financial aid. All appeal information and/or forms for financial aid must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid located in the Admissions Center or emailed to financialaid@floridapoly.edu

For more information, see FPU-7.0021P Financial Aid Appeals.

Appeal of Financial Aid Decision or Administrative Error

Students may appeal a decision of the Office of Financial Aid, or the award or disbursement of financial aid, if they believe an administrative error has occurred. Per the Florida Polytechnic University Academic Calendar, appeals may be submitted until the last day of classes during the semester for which the financial aid award decision or error occurred.

For this appeal, students are required to submit the following documents:

  • The Appeal of Financial Aid Decision or Administrative Error form
  • A signed, typewritten letter that describes the purpose of the appeal
  • Additional documentation supporting the issue and appeal

**Prior to submitting an Appeal of Financial Aid Decision or Administrative Error form, students are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid directly for assistance, as some issues may be resolved without an appeal**

Appeal for Reinstatement of State/Institutional Aid Due to Extenuating Circumstances

A student may appeal for reinstatement of a state and/or University scholarship if circumstances beyond the student’s control prevented the student from meeting minimum eligibility requirements. Appeals for reinstatement of aid must be submitted by the student within 30 days of receiving notice of ineligibility for the award.

For this appeal, students are required to submit the following documents:

  • The Appeal for Reinstatement of State/Institutional Aid or Repayment of Bright Futures Due to Extenuating Circumstances form
  • A signed, typed letter that describes the extenuating circumstances
  • Additional documentation that supports the events described in the appeal letter
  • An academic plan that has been completed and signed by a program coordinator or academic advisor

Appeal of Repayment of Bright Futures

A student may appeal the return of their Bright Futures Scholarship funds if extenuating circumstances beyond their control prevented them from completing the classes they withdrew from. Appeals for repayment of Bright Futures funds must be submitted within 30 days of receiving a returned funds/scholarship adjustment notice from the Bursar’s Office.

For this appeal students are required to submit the following documents:

  • The Appeal for Reinstatement of State/Institutional Aid or Repayment of Bright Futures Due to Extenuating Circumstances form
  • A signed, typed letter that describes the extenuating circumstances
  • Additional documentation that supports the events described in the appeal letter

Appeal Review Timeline and Communication

Appeals submitted to the Office of Financial Aid will be reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee within 15 business days. The committee may accept, deny or request additional documentation for the appeal. If additional documentation is requested, the student’s appeal will be placed in a pending status. The student will be given 30 days to submit additional documentation. If no additional documentation is provided within 30 days, the student’s appeal will be denied.

All information concerning a student’s appeal status and appeal decisions are communicated directly to the student through the student’s Florida Polytechnic University email account. All decisions made by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee are final.

For questions regarding the appeal process, students may contact the Office of Financial Aid directly at financialaid@floridapoly.edu.

Veteran Education Benefits 

Florida Polytechnic University is proud to train and educate our Veterans of the U.S. Armed Services.  Student’s eligible to utilize Veteran’s Benefits may log into www.va.gov/education to apply and monitor their education benefits.  They may also speak with Florida Poly VA Certifying Officials to assist them in certifying their benefits.

Students utilizing Veterans Benefits are required to submit a Letter of Eligibility to the university before we are able to certify and disburse any VA Funds.

Students expecting Veterans Benefits to cover their educational costs, and have completed all steps required to receive their funding, will have ALL university ledger costs deferred without penalty until funding has been received.

Any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA.  Florida Poly will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies. 

Student Administrative Services

Student Business Services

Student Billing Information and Notifications

Student billing information and statements are available online through the CAMS Student Portal. Students may request a statement from the Student Business Services Office electronically at SBS@floridapoly.edu. Per University Policy FPU-3.0011P Email as Official Form of University’s Communication with Students, balance notifications will be communicated to the student by email using their University designated email address.

Tuition Liability & Payment Deadline

Students are liable for all tuition and associated fees with all courses for which the student is registered at the end of the drop/add period. Students liable for tuition and associated fees for any given semester must pay by the fee payment deadline published in the Academic Calendar to avoid assessment of a Late Payment Fee. In addition, failure to timely pay tuition and fees or make acceptable and appropriate arrangements for payment will result in the cancellation of the student’s course schedule per University Policy FPU-4.004 Procedure for Payment, Waiver and Refund of Tuition, Fees, Fines, and Penalties. It is the student’s responsibility to pay all fees and costs of enrollment at the University by the established deadlines. These deadlines are published on the university website.

Tuition and Fees

Pursuant to FPU-4.001 Tuition and Related Fees Schedule, the following tuition and associated fees shall be imposed and collected on a per-credit-hour basis, for each student enrolled, unless provided otherwise by law, or by Board of Governors or University Regulation. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please visit the Florida Poly website

Third Time Repeat

Effective fall 2009, each student enrolled in the same undergraduate course more than twice shall be assessed an additional sum to cover 100 percent of the full cost of instruction, as established by the Board of Governors, for each such course in addition to the tuition and associated fees above. A student may request an exception to the third time repeat charge per University Policy FPU-4.006 Third Time Repeat Course Fee Exception

Excess Hour Fee

  • For students who enter a post-secondary undergraduate program for the first time in the 2009-2010 academic year and thereafter, the University shall require the student to pay an excess hour surcharge equal to 50 percent of the tuition rate for each credit hour in excess of 120 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree program in which the student is enrolled.
  • For students who enter a post-secondary undergraduate program for the first time in the 2011-12 academic year and thereafter, the University shall require the student to pay an excess hour surcharge equal to 100 percent of the tuition rate for each credit hour in excess of 115 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree program in which the student is enrolled.
  • For students who enter a post-secondary undergraduate program at any Florida public institution of higher education for the first time in fall 2012 - Spring 2019 shall pay an excess hour fee equal to 100 percent of the undergraduate tuition identified in Florida Board of Governors Regulation 7.001(3) for each credit hour in excess of 110 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree program in which the student is enrolled.
  • For students who enter a post-secondary undergraduate program at any Florida public institution of higher education for the first time in Summer 2019 or thereafter shall pay an excess hour fee equal to 100 percent of the undergraduate tuition identified in Florida Board of Governors Regulation 7.001(3) for each credit hour in excess of 120 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete the baccalaureate degree program in which the student is enrolled.

Registration of Zero Hours

Registration for zero hours provides for a student’s examinations, co-ops, internships, graduations, use of facilities, etc., when deemed appropriate by the University. The student is assessed resident tuition and the associated fees for one credit hour. The Zero Hour Fee shall be distributed in the same manner as tuition.

Audit Registration Fees

Audit registration assures a course space for the student; however, the student is not awarded a grade for the course. The charge for the Audit Registration Fee is the same as the resident tuition and associated fees, as applicable, that would be charged to a resident student taking the course for a grade.

Returned Check Fee

The University assesses a service charge in accordance with Florida Statutes section 832.07(1) for each unpaid check returned to the University.

Late Registration Fee

Any student who fails to register prior to the registration deadline published in the academic calendar will be subject to the late registration fee of $100. Students may request a waiver of the late registration fee due to exceptional circumstances per University Policy FPU-4.004 Procedure for Payment, Waiver, and Refund of Tuition, Fees, Fines, and Penalties.

Late Payment Fee

Special Fees, Fines, and Charges

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Payment of tuition and fees may be made online, by mail, or in person at the Student Business Services Office during regular office hours. Payments need to be received by 5:00 p.m. on the payment deadline published in the academic calendar in order to be consider timely paid.

Online services are available for viewing account details and making payment. Students may pay online by credit card (American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover) through their CAMS Student Portal. Online payments will be subject to the University’s convenience fee, which may not exceed 2.75 percent of the payment amount.

Payments by check or credit card may also be made via the desk located in the Student Business Services area of the Wellness Center.

For payments by mail: Make the check payable to Florida Polytechnic University. Include your ID number, name, address and phone number on your check.

Mail your payment to:

Florida Polytechnic University
Student Business Services 
Room 1101A
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, Florida 33805-8531

Deferred Payment of Tuition and Fees

The Office of Financial Aid automatically issues tuition and fee payment deferments for students who have been awarded and have accepted financial aid where financial aid is delayed due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. In situations when an administrative error caused the student to be ineligible for an automatic deferment or when the student experiences a documentable, unexpected financial hardship, a manual deferment may be processed. The President or designee may award a 60-day tuition and fee payment deferment when the student is a recipient of VA benefits or when the student has an acceptable third party that has agreed in writing to pay for the student’s tuition and fees.

Waiver of Tuition and Fees

Per University Policy FPU-4.002 Waiver of Tuition and Fees, Florida Polytechnic University will waive tuition and/or certain fees as required by the Board of Governors regulations and Florida Statutes.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

The University authorizes certain refunds of tuition and fees, less deduction for non-refundable fees and unpaid debts to the University. Credit card convenience fees, late registration fees and late payment fees are non-refundable fees.

  • One-hundred percent of the applicable tuition and refundable fees will be refunded if the student drops a course or causes his or her enrollment in the University to be terminated by the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the drop/add period;
  • Twenty-five percent of tuition and refundable fees, less Building and Capital Improvement fees, will be refunded if the student drops a course or causes his or her enrollment in the University to be terminated by the Office of the Registrar prior to the end of the fourth week of classes, or at an appropriate time as designated by the University for summer sessions, and submits a completed Refund Request Form.
  • One-hundred percent of tuition and refundable fees will be refunded if, within six months of the end of the semester to which the refund is applicable, a student who has withdrawn or dropped a course completes and files with the Office of the Registrar a Fee Adjustment Request Form citing recognized circumstances outside the student’s control, and such recognized circumstances are confirmed and the refund is approved by the Registrar. Recognized circumstances that will be considered within this six-month period include:
  1. Illness of the student of such severity or duration, as confirmed in writing by a physician, to preclude completion of the course(s).
  2. Death of the student or death in the student’s immediate family (parent, spouse, child, sibling, or grandparent) that precludes completion of the course(s).
  3. Involuntary call to active military duty.
  4. A situation in which the University is in error. The amount of a payment in excess of the adjusted assessment will be refunded.

Non-payment of Tuition and Fees

Per University Policy FPU-4.004 Procedure for Payment Waiver and Refund of Tuition Fees Fines and Penalties, failure to timely pay tuition and fees or make acceptable and appropriate arrangements for payment, will result in cancellation of the student’s course schedule. A student whose course schedule has been canceled cannot thereafter attend such courses and will not obtain credit for such courses, until the schedule is reinstated.

A student who makes an effort to pay the tuition and fees, including but not limited to making partial payments by credit card, check, or by use of any type of financial aid or scholarship, grants, waivers, third party contracts, Florida Bright Futures, and/or Florida Prepaid, by the published tuition payment deadline, will not be canceled from their courses, and the student will be considered liable for any unpaid tuition or fees.

Students who have not paid, or made acceptable and appropriate arrangements for payment, of their tuition and fees by the tuition payment deadline shall be assessed late payment fee and be precluded from receiving grades, transcripts or diplomas until the tuition and fees have been paid. When registration opens for a given academic term, any outstanding balance in a student’s account will prevent the student from being able to register for courses, or from receiving transcripts or diplomas until the student’s account has been paid in full.

If a student incurs a tuition and fee liability from the reversal of financial aid or the addition of new charges, after registration has opened for the next semester, the student must pay that liability in full before the start of the upcoming semester. Failure to make payment in full will result in the cancellation of the student’s course schedule for the upcoming semester.

Course Reinstatement

A student whose course schedule has been canceled will be sent written notice of cancellation through university email, to the student’s last known email address on record. Such notice will include a deadline by which the student may apply for reinstatement of such course schedule.

Per University Policy FPU-4.004 Procedure for Payment, Waiver and Refund of Tuition, Fees, Fines, and Penalties, a student whose scheduled courses have been canceled for financial reasons may request reinstatement by the Registrar or designee through the fourth week of classes. Upon approval for reinstatement, tuition and fees; the late registration fee, if applicable; the late payment fee and other debts owed to the University must be paid in full by check, money order, cashier’s check or credit card before reinstatement will be affected. After the fourth week of classes, a student can request a late reinstatement from the Office of Financial Aid.

Means of Collection

Per University Policy FPU-7.006 Student Debt Collection, the University may employ any legal means for collecting student debts owed to the University, including but not limited to, any one or more of the following actions: issue collection letters; send notices by electronic mail; attempt to contact the student by telephone; engage a collection agency; suspend a student’s academic progress; cancel a student’s course schedule; preclude or restrict the issuance of a student’s grades or diploma or the release of a student’s transcript.

Delinquent accounts sent to a collection agency will incur collection costs that will be added to the outstanding balance due by the student. In addition, the University shall assess a charge representing the reasonable cost of collection efforts to effect payment for overdue student loan accounts.

Tuition Residency Appeals

A student may appeal an initial residency classification or reclassification decision within 30 days of receipt of the decision. Students are still responsible for all tuition and fees incurred while the appeal is being processed.

Please see FPU-4.0012P Tuition Residency Appeals policy to read in its entirety.

Office of the Registrar

The mission of the Office of the University Registrar is to ensure the accuracy and security of student academic records, as well as comply with University security policies as defined under FERPA and other higher education regulations. Additionally, the Office of the University Registrar will provide quality, professional and efficient support service and assistance to students, faculty, alumni and colleagues. The Office of the Registrar maintains the University Catalog.

Technology Services

Technology Services (TS)

(Computing, Data, Voice and Video Communications, Educational Media, and Document Services)

In support of students, faculty and staff, Technology Services (TS) serves as the focal point of all University matters pertaining to Information Technology. Its mission is to plan, program, operate and maintain effective, efficient and innovative common-user IT policies, procedures and systems.

Florida Polytechnic University’s TS department provides students, faculty and staff, email and calendar accounts; online storage accounts; learning management system access; web space; and server access. It also maintains general purpose computer facilities, innovation labs and electronic classrooms.

The TS homepage contains information about available services and systems, the wired and wireless network, printing options, contacting the TS Help Desk located in IST South Commons and using the student Computer Resource Center facilities.

For further information, please contact Technology Services at helpdesk@floridapoly.edu or call 863-874-8888.

Appropriate Use of IT Resources

The University provides its IT resources to authorized users to facilitate legitimate objectives in a secure electronic environment. Users are responsible for their use of any IT resources, including activity originating from the user’s account within the user’s control. Users are responsible for keeping their University accounts and passwords secure and may not share their University accounts or passwords with others.

Please see FPU-11.0018P Appropriate Use of IT Resources policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Services

Student Classifications

Undergraduate (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior) students are classified on the basis of semester hours satisfactorily earned.

  • Freshman: 0 through 29 semester hours.
  • Sophomore: 30 through 59 semester hours.
  • Junior: 60 through 89 semester hours.
  • Senior: 90 or more semester hours, prior to completing baccalaureate requirements.

Post-baccalaureate: Any student who is enrolled in a course, regardless of course level, who has previously earned a baccalaureate degree, is not working toward another baccalaureate degree, and has not been admitted to a graduate program.

Graduate: Any student enrolled in a graduate course (5000-6000 level) who has been admitted to a graduate program.

Audit: Any student registered for any credit course on an audit basis. No credit is received for courses taken on an audit basis. A grade of AU will be assigned to audit coursework.

Student Holds

Holds may be placed on a student’s account, records, transcript, grades, diplomas or registration because of financial or other obligations to the University, such as failure to turn in required paperwork or failure to participate in required advisements. The obligation will need to be satisfied prior to the release of the hold by the office having authority.

For more information, read FPU-5.0104AP Registration, Transcript, Final Grades, and Diploma Holds.

Transient Students

Transient students are students who attend any State University System institution for only one term before returning to their home institutions.

There are two types of outgoing transient students:

  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at another State University System (SUS) institution. Students must complete the SUS Transient Form on the FloridaShines website. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • A degree-seeking Florida Polytechnic University student who desires to take courses at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution. Students must complete the Transient Student Form. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the other institution’s Office of Admissions and complete their application process.

There are two types of incoming transient students:

  • State University System (SUS) transient student is a student in good standing who is seeking a degree from a public Florida university and desires to take courses with Florida Polytechnic University. Contact the Office of the Registrar with any questions.
  • Transient students who are degree seeking at an out-of-state institution or an in-state private institution and wish to take classes at Florida Polytechnic University. These students need to contact the Florida Polytechnic University Office of Admissions and complete an application for non-degree enrollment.

Material & Supply Fees

The president must approve any Material and Supply Fees prior to the students being charged for such. Material and Supply Fees may not exceed the amount necessary to offset the cost of materials or supplies, which are consumed by the student in the course of the instructional activities, excluding the cost of equipment and equipment repairs and maintenance. New or revised Material and Supply Fees may only be implemented if approved using the procedures provided below.

Please see FPU-4.0013P Material and Supply Fees policy to read in its entirety.

Incomplete Grade

A student may be temporarily assigned an incomplete (“I”) course grade, with the written approval of the course instructor, if the student is in good standing in the course as determined by the instructor but has not completed all the required coursework. An “I” grade cannot be assigned to a course if the student fails to attend the course, withdraws from the course after the drop/add period, or withdraws from the University.

An “I” grade is not to be used to allow students to complete extra work to raise the grade earned. The incomplete grade must be changed to a final evaluative grade within one (1) month from the ending date of the semester during which the student was enrolled in the course and prior to the student’s graduation. Instructors may specify a longer make-up time on the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form, not to exceed six (6) months from the ending date of the semester during which the student was enrolled in the course and prior to the student’s anticipated graduation.

A student may not re-enroll in the same course to make up an “I” grade, nor may the student enroll in any courses that designate the course for which the student is assigned an “I” grade as a prerequisite.

It is the student’s responsibility for making arrangements with the course instructor for timely completion of the missing academic work. Once the student completes the required work, the instructor will evaluate the work and complete a Grade Change Form. The instructor must submit the Grade Change Form to the Office of the University Registrar for approval and processing.

Once an “I” grade is converted to a final evaluative grade, that course grade may not be subject to further adjustment nor may it be converted back to an “I” grade. Exceptions due to University error may be approved by the Provost (or his/her designee) with supporting justification attached to a Grade Change Form.

Requesting an Incomplete Grade:

1. The student must contact the instructor of the course prior to final grades being due, as noted on the academic calendar, to inform the instructor of the exceptional circumstances that justify requesting an “I” grade. The decision to assign an “I” grade is at the sole discretion of the course instructor.

2. If the instructor agrees to temporarily assign the student an “I” grade for the course, the student and instructor shall complete the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form. The form will set the expectations for course completion and should include the following information:

  • Document the exceptional circumstances
  • Specify the academic work the student is missing
  • State the deadline for completion of that work
  • The grade that will be assigned if the work is not submitted on or before the deadline.

3. Once completed, the form must be signed by both the student and the instructor and submitted to the Office of the University Registrar prior to the semester deadline for reporting final grades.

Please see FPU-5.00712AP Incomplete Grade policy to read in its entirety.

Student Grade Appeals

Faculty, adjuncts, professors, and instructors have a fundamental right and responsibility to assess student performance. Instructors exercise professional judgment in determining how to assess student performance based on standards in their departments or disciplines and based on their own expectations for student achievement.

Please see FPU-5.00714AP Student Grade Appeals policy to read in its entirety.

Final Exams

The University views assessments as a critical component of the educational process. Final examinations constitute an element of the assessment of a student’s understanding of the coursework.

Please see FPU-5.0073AP Final Exams policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Standing and Suspension Appeal Procedure

The University has established minimum academic standards to which all students must adhere. Academic standing defines academic progress as it is indicated on student records and how the status will affect a student’s academic progress at the University. When a student is not in good academic standing, the student’s academic standing is denoted on his or her student record. The Office of the Registrar will notify students of the change in academic standing via email to the student’s University email.

Please see FPU-5.0074AP Academic Standing (Undergraduate).

President’s and Provost’s Lists

Each semester the University takes the opportunity to recognize those degree seeking undergraduate students who have met certain high academic standards. Eligible undergraduate students who achieve the required grade point average for courses taken in the fall or spring semester will be placed on a President’s List or Provost’s List that is published after the end of each semester.

In order to be eligible for consideration for the lists, an undergraduate student must have been enrolled in and completed a minimum of 12 credit hours during the semester and have no incomplete grades for any courses taken during the semester.

  • An eligible undergraduate student whose grade point average is 3.90 to 4.00 for the semester will be placed on the President’s List.
  • An eligible undergraduate student whose grade point average is 3.50 to 3.89 will be placed on the Provost’s List.

Once a list is published, there will be no changes to the list based upon grade changes or the removal or change of incomplete grades.

Please see FPU-5.00741AP President’s and Provost’s Lists policy to read in its entirety.

Maximum Allowed Course Load


A full-time undergraduate student is enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester. A part-time undergraduate student is enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. The typical full-time undergraduate course load is 12 to 18 credit hours each semester.

Students should take between 30 and 33 hours annually to graduate in four years. In the Fall and Spring semesters, the maximum number of credit hours in which an undergraduate may enroll is 18. During the Summer semester, the maximum number of credit hours allowed during a six-week term is 9, and the maximum number of credit hours allowed during a 12-week term is 15. The total of combined summer sessions cannot exceed 15 hours. Semester overload permission from the undergraduate student’s academic advisor is required to enroll for more than the maximum allowable hours.

Please see FPU-5.0088AP Maximum Allowed Course Load policy to read in its entirety.

Academic Success Center

Academic Support Services provides essential services that directly support the student experience at Florida Polytechnic University. Academic Support Services are located in the IST 1019. The office is staffed by Academic Success Coaches who provide academic support to all undergraduate students at Florida Poly. Some of the services provided include degree planning, test preparation, time management, and navigating university policies. Academic success coaches are assigned to students based on their last name.

Career Development 

Career Development helps students connect their academic experiences to their career paths.

Through Career Development students can:

  • Explore a variety of career paths
  • Search for jobs and internships
  • Prepare for jobs and internships
  • Receive resume guidance
  • Ask questions in career chats
  • Learn about career workshops and events


Codes (Career Opportunities Developing Evolutionary Success) is a series of workshops designed to help students with career development skills, including dressing professionally, marketing yourself, personal branding, and networking, etc.

Learn More


Florida Poly uses Handshake to help students find internships and jobs that are a good fit for their individual talents, skill sets, and interests.

Handshake helps students find meaningful careers and discover career paths. Students can explore thousands of available jobs, track deadlines and put your best self forward, and connect with employers.

Employers who are interested in connecting with Florida Poly can reach out using Handshake or by calling 863-874-8640.


Tech_Styled prepares students for internship and job interviews through expert advisement on professional business dress, etiquette, and personal branding. Students will also have access to free gently-used business clothes as well as a discount shopping day at Men’s Wearhouse and J.C. Penney.

Learn More

Student Development

The Office of Student Development oversees all activities related to student life on campus, including student activities and programming, leadership and multicultural outreach. It is a voice and advocate for all students at Florida Polytechnic University. To reach this office, call 863.874.8659.

Student Activities

Florida Polytechnic University offers a robust selection of activities throughout the academic year that enhance the student experience. Student activities provide many benefits ranging from stress relief to gaining transferrable skills that may help you succeed as a professional after graduation. 

Student Activities are led by many entities on campus, the Student Development Center, the Campus Activities Board, Student Government, and more. 

The Student Development Center primarily oversees recreation activities on campus. Intramural sports, aquatics, and fitness are the three main program areas of recreation.  

Intramural sports are fun competitions played solely within Florida Poly’s campus. Intramural Sports are a great way to stay in shape, meet new friends, learn a new skill, and get involved in campus. These sports are always changing, but some examples are basketball, soccer, sand volleyball, pickleball, whiffle ball, dodgeball, and so much more. All of Florida Poly is welcome to join! 

The aquatic program utilizes our 200,000-gallon junior Olympic sized lap pool. We offer lap swimming, fitness classes, and fun competitions in the pool. Outside of being in the pool our pool deck is filled with lounge chairs, tables, and umbrellas that allow you to enjoy the Florida Sun year-round. Keep an eye on the calendar for pop up movie in the pool events and other wet n’ wild fun. 

Our fitness program is focused on education, instruction, and safety. We strive to create a welcoming atmosphere in our campus gym. All experience levels are welcome to utilize our facility and we offer weight floor orientations to help everyone feel comfortable when working out with us. We offer free fitness classes daily to all students and members. These classes are help by a certified instructor and customizable for all fitness levels. From beginner to expert everyone will get a workout to help push them to the next level. Throughout the semester our fitness team host workshops to educate the population on a specific fitness topic ranging from nutrition to a proper technique during a lift. 

 University TEAMS serve to connect and engage students with the campus through their chosen structured peer activity. TEAMS are student-run activities for those who have a passion for a particular focus area or who want to learn about a new skill while engaging in student leadership opportunities. While all TEAMS are competitive, they also stress skill development, team building, and socialization. TEAMS are open to Florida Poly students of any experience level and offer the opportunity to compete with other colleges throughout the state, region and nation. There are no membership dues-although some expenses may be borne by the participant.  

Existing TEAMS include a university band, robotics, esports, archery, women’s club soccer, men’s club lacrosse, women’s powerlifting, ultimate frisbee, and a unique Navy Officer training program. 

Please see FPU-1.003 Use of University Facilities and Property regulation to read in its entirety. The Student Development Center and TEAMS can be reached by phone at 863-874-8653. 

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association is the official voice of the student body at Florida Polytechnic University. SGA is organized to actively represent student opinions; promote the social and academic advancement of students; foster communication, cooperation and understanding in all areas of the University; recommend and implement improvements necessary to the welfare of the students and the University; and encourage effective student participation. Each student is a member of the association at large, which elects all officers. The officers comprise the cabinet, which oversees general policy making. Through the work of various elected and appointed officers and committees, the SGA represents the views of the student body to the trustees, the administration and various college committees. The SGA sponsors major social activities each year and advises the Office of Enrollment-Remove Student Development concerning the initiation of additional student social activities. Concerned, responsible students are strongly encouraged to participate in the activities of the SGA.

Student Government Policies and Regulations

The Student Government shall be maintained by the students in accordance with law and regulation, including Florida Statutes Section 1004.26 (University student governments) and Board of Governors regulation 6.014 (Student Governments.)

The Student Government shall adopt internal procedures that must be approved by the University President. The Student Government’s constitution and by-laws, and any amendments thereto, must be approved by the University President.

Please see FPU-3.002 Student Government and Student Organizations regulation to read the policy in its entirety.

Our Campus Activities Board (CAB) is an agency of Student Government led entirely by students and dedicated to creating programs that enhance the campus experience. CAB hosts large scale events such as PolyCon the university’s pop culture convention which is consistently the most attended event every year. CAB can be a great organization to join if you are looking for leadership, event planning, and teamwork experience. 

Student Organizations

Student organizations and activities exist for the personal enjoyment and development of students at Florida Polytechnic University. Students are encouraged to become involved in the co-curricular student activities program and active student organizations. The University may permit organizations and clubs funded by a combination of contributions from its members, fund-raising projects and outside sources to exist on campus, provided the organization has a faculty advisor and agrees to be governed by the regulations and policies of Florida Polytechnic University.

Student Organizations Policies and Regulations

Any student association, group, club or organization (“student organization”) other than Student Government is eligible for active registration as a Registered Student Organization. Registration as a Registered Student Organization is contingent upon the student organization complying with all registration requirements and obtaining the approvals of the Student Government and the Vice Provost for Student Development or designee, and continuously complying with applicable regulations, policies and procedures.

Please see FPU-3.002 Student Government and Student Organizations regulation to read the policy in its entirety.

University Liability

The University does not assume obligation or liability for loss of or damage to personal belongings. Students should take precautions to protect personal belongings from theft, fire, water damage or other loss. Students are urged to purchase renter’s insurance and car insurance for protection against loss or property damage.


Volunteerism is a great way to serve your community and is encouraged by the University and the Office of Student Development. For further information, please call 863-874-8424.

Student Voter Registration

The University encourages all students 18 years and older to be registered voters and to exercise their civic responsibility by voting in local, state and federal elections.

Library Services & Regulation

The Florida Polytechnic University Library promotes intellectual discovery in an innovative, user-centered learning environment. Library collections are primarily digital and can be accessed through the library website. A discovery tool allows students to search for books and full-text journals. The library is located in the IST Building, offering users flexible and inviting spaces for both collaborative and individual work. Librarians are available to help all users with their research and information needs.

The regulation shall apply to all Florida Polytechnic University libraries and all library users and is designed to facilitate use of the University’s libraries and use of the state university system library materials by interlibrary loans (“ILL”). It outlines the process students follow when requesting materials from other libraries by ILL.

Please see FPU-5.004 Library Services policy to read in its entirety.

Disability Services

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Florida Polytechnic University seeks to provide reasonable accommodations to students with a documented disability.

Reasonable accommodations are determined via an interactive process, which consist of student submitting an application, supporting medical documentation, and meeting with the Office of Disability Services (ODS) staff. No service or accommodation is provided automatically or unilaterally by this office. Each student must initiate the process by contacting ODS and submitting a completed application with disability related documentation for any accommodations that may be needed. All records are held and retained in a confidential manner.

To discuss needs for academic, housing, or dining accommodations based on a documented disability, please contact the Office of Disability Services:

Kelly Morgan
Coordinator, Disability Services 
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805-8531
Phone: (863) 874-8949

For further information about disability services, or to access the necessary forms for students to seek accommodations, please refer to our webpage. Please see the Student Requests for Disability Services policy to read in its entirety.

Student Health Services

The Florida Polytechnic University Health Clinic provides students with the highest quality care for physical and medical concerns. The Health Clinic, located in the Wellness Center, focuses on providing holistic-oriented health care. This includes initial diagnosis and treatment of injuries and illnesses, and appropriate follow-up for most short-term illnesses. Our providers are experienced in treating common medical problems seen on college campuses and are advocates of a wellness approach to health care, which empowers patients to become partners in managing their health needs through education and knowledge. The Health Clinic has medical forms, including physical exam forms, which need to be completed when students register at the University.

You may also email us at healthservices@floridapoly.edu and on our web page.

Immunization Information

Prior to registration, each applicant accepted for admission must submit appropriate medical documentation including documentation of appropriate immunizations required by the University. Students are emailed the forms at the time of enrollment. Forms also can be obtained in the Health Clinic and should be submitted to immunizations@floridapoly.edu

Exceptions may be granted pursuant to University policies. The University reserves the right to refuse registration to any applicant whose health record or report of medical examination indicates the existence of a condition that may be harmful to members of the University community.

The following immunizations are required:

  • Hepatitis B Vaccine - Students wishing to decline this vaccine must read the information about Hepatitis B, then check and sign where indicated on the Mandatory Immunization Health History Form. Signing the waiver indicates you understand the possible risk in not receiving this vaccine. If you are under the age of 18 and wish to decline this vaccine, a parent must sign on your behalf
  • Tuberculosis Screening - A Tuberculosis Skin Test by PPD or Mantoux (within the last year) or chest X-ray is required. NOTE: If both PPD and MMR are given, they must be given on the same day for a PPD to be accurate or given 30 days apart. PPDs must be read between 48-72 hours of administration. The result must be listed in “mm” and indicate whether negative or positive. If you have a chest X-ray, submit a copy of the laboratory report. All persons with a positive skin test must have a chest X-ray.
  • Td (Tetanus)/Diphtheria or/and Tdap (Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis) -Shot has to be a series of three spaced injections within 10 years, or a booster within the past 10 years. For further vaccine information, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website.
  • Menactra/MCV4 (Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine) - Required for all students. Students will not be assigned a Florida Polytechnic University residence hall room until proof of this vaccination is received by the University. The most recent dose must have been received after 16th birthday. Students not living on campus who decline this vaccine must read the information about Menactra/Meningococcal Meningitis to understand the possible risk in not receiving this vaccine, then check and sign where indicated on the Mandatory Immunization Health History Form. Signing the waiver indicates you understand the possible risk in not receiving this vaccine. If you are under the age of 18 and wish to decline this vaccine, a parent must sign on your behalf.

The following immunizations is recommended:

  • MMR Vaccine - Recommended for students born after Dec. 31, 1956. This combination vaccine often is given as protection from measles, mumps and rubella. Two doses are recommended for entry into Florida Polytechnic University. The first dose must have been received after the first birthday. The second dose must have been received at least 28 days after the first dose.

Pursuant to Board of Governors regulation 6.0007, all students must provide documentation of vaccinations against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B or provide a signed waiver for each declined vaccination. All students 18 years of age or older who choose not to be vaccinated against either Meningococcal Meningitis or Hepatitis B must sign a statement that they have been made aware of the potential fatal nature of the diseases and choose not to be vaccinated. All students under 18 years of age must provide signed parental consent to opt out of vaccination from either of these diseases. These forms may be found on our website or at the Health Clinic located in the Wellness Center.

HIV/AIDS Information

Students and employees of Florida Polytechnic University who may become infected with the HIV virus will not be excluded from enrollment or employment, or restricted in their access to University services or facilities, unless individual medical evaluation establishes that such exclusion or restrictions are necessary for the welfare of the individual and/or other members of the University community. Florida Polytechnic University has established an HIV/AIDS Committee with membership, including Florida Polytechnic University students, faculty, administrators and staff, as well as representatives from several community organizations committed to HIV/ AIDS education and treatment. The committee meets as needed and is responsible for monitoring the medical, psychosocial and administrative developments regarding HIV/AIDS for the Florida Polytechnic University community. Additional responsibilities include administration and implementation of the Florida Polytechnic University policy in specific cases and coordination of all University educational activities emphasizing proactive prevention. In addition, the Committee will meet as needed to consider individual cases that may require University action.


For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions shall apply:

  • HIV refers to: Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • AIDS refers to: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

An individual infected with HIV is one who:

Is shown by appropriate testing to have antibodies to HIV or its antigens in blood fluids or tissues AND has either of the following:

A) An identified opportunistic infection [OR]

B) A T4 lymphocyte (a type of blood cell) count of less than 200 per micro liter of blood.

For more information visit aids.gov.

Health Service Contact(s):

Health Services
Florida Polytechnic University 4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805-8531

Lakeland area resources for people with HIV/AIDS:

Florida Department of Health Polk County Health Clinic
3241 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Lakeland, FL

Talbot House Ministries
Good Samaritan Free Clinic
814 N Kentucky Ave
Lakeland, FL 33801

Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida
2250 E Edgewood Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33803

CARE Services

Counseling resources (Florida Poly’s Health and Wellness Program) and Care Services can help students identify and overcome barriers that may affect their ability to accomplish their educational goals.  Counseling services at Florida Polytechnic University are designed to support students in maintaining their overall well-being.  Counseling is tailored on an individual basis to assist students with a variety of personal concerns. 

Counseling is available on a short-term basis and can be accessed by calling the Care Manager at 863-874-8599, emailing Care@floridapoly.edu, or by visiting the ASC East, Room 124B.  Students in crisis can also receive assistance on a “walk-in” basis at the ASC East (Backside of Phase 2 dorms facing West toward the campus water feature).  Students who require counseling on a long-term basis should continue to schedule services with their established mental health provider or plan to locate and put these services in place before moving onto campus.  The following website is one method of locating a therapist in Florida: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us.

Students also have access to counseling support on a 24/7 basis through BayCare’s Student Assistance Program by calling 800-878-5470.

Additional resources available:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Available to Students, Faculty and Staff 24/7


Peace River Center’s 24-Hour Crisis Line

Available to Students, Faculty and Staff 24/7

Student Living

Housing & Residential Life

Living on campus will help you make the most of your Florida Poly experience. The Department of Residential Life plays an integral role in our students’ education and development. We support Florida Polytechnic University’s mission by providing services, policies and programs that enhance academic and social experiences in a safe, friendly and challenging residential community. We feel that campus living combines the essential elements for a success college experience. We believe that student who live on campus are stewards of our residential communities and are encouraged to take responsibility for their success. There is a growing sense of shared community in our residence halls, a sense of living, learning, respect of each other and of commitment to the community.

Florida Poly’s Department of Residential Life oversees residence hall programming and initiatives, supervision of community directors and resident assistants (student employees), resident emergency and crisis response, and student conduct to offer students a living-learning environment that supports and promotes leadership, collaboration, innovation, adaptability, and development. The department’s goal is to provide students living in university housing with safe, well-maintained facilities, and programs that are conducive to student learning and success.

The Department of Residential Life is staffed by University professional and student staff. The buildings are owned by Vestcor Communities and the leasing process is handled by Student Living (Coastal Ridge Real Estate).

Residence Hall I

From high-speed, wireless Internet access to a fitness facility and game room, the 90,000-square-foot Residence Hall I is designed with the modern student in mind. Comfortable, secure and fully furnished, the three- and four-bedroom suites have the latest technology and accommodations to make learning and living outside the classroom comfortable and easy. There are two bathrooms per four-person suite.

Residence Hall II

Similar to Residence Hall I, the newest residence hall boasts high-speed, wireless internet access, game rooms and common study areas on all five floors of the 135,000-square-foot building. The majority of Residence Hall II is made up of “Semi Suites,” two double bedrooms furnished with two twin beds, a desk and chair, sharing a common bathroom. It was designed with a more traditional residence hall feel and features twice as much communal space as Residence Hall I, encouraging students to leave their rooms and create their own social hub.

Wellness Center

The Wellness Center provides services and conveniences that members of the University community need in their daily life, and creates an environment for getting to know and understand others through formal and informal associations. The Wellness Center is a hub of activities. The 27,000-square-foot building houses the bookstore, dining center, Einstein Bros. Bagel, Tu Taco, Phoenix Print & Mail Center, student ID center, parking office, and more. Also located in the Wellness Center are administrative offices and health and wellness services. For more information, visit the Florida Poly website page for the Wellness Center.

Auxiliary Enterprises

Phoenix Food & Dining Services

Phoenix Dining provides opportunities for students and employees to stay connected on campus by offering a traditional dining hall, coffee shops, and more. Dining services is managed by Chartwells.

Per university policy, all residential students are required to participate in a residential meal plan membership. Residential students must log into CAMS to sign up; if a plan is not selected, the University will default required students to the 10 meals per week plan. Students have until drop/add day each semester to make changes to their meal plan selection. After that date, students will be billed and locked in on their selected plan for the semester.

Vending Services

Vending machines are available in several locations throughout the campus, including canned/bottled beverage machines, featuring a large selection of popular brands. All machines will accept cash as well as credit cards. Individuals who lose funds in vending machines should contact the Auxiliary Enterprise Service Office, located in the Wellness Center, for a refund. Damage or maintenance issues should be directed to the Auxiliary Enterprise Services Office. 

Student ID Cards

The Florida Poly Card is the official identification card of Florida Polytechnic University. It is issued to all members of the Florida Poly community. The Florida Poly Card is used for:

  • Meal Plans and Phoenix Funds (purchased via CAMS)
  • Florida Poly Bucks to pay for print (purchased via Student Link)
  • Door Access
  • Copy/Print

University Bookstore

Florida Poly’s online bookstore is hosted by Follett and open 24/7. Shop the bookstore for textbooks, technology items, and school supplies. The bookstore also sells more than 2,000 spirit items that can be ordered on-demand.

Mail Services

The University provides mail services through the Phoenix Print & Mail Center located in the Wellness Center. Resident students are assigned mailboxes, located on the first floor of the residence hall, behind the elevators. This box is to be used for all incoming mail. If a student receives a package that is too large to fit in the mailbox, he or she will be notified by email of its arrival and instructions for picking it up at the Wellness Center.

Mail and Packages should be addressed as follows:

Sample Address
Florida Polytechnic University
Attention First Name Last Name
Residence Hall #, Room ####
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805

If the student’s full name is not included in the address, the mail or package will be returned to the sender.

Outgoing mail can be mailed through the Phoenix Print & Mail Center, including USPS express mail. Address changes should be reported immediately to Phoenix Print & Mail Center, as well as the University Registrar’s Office, the Business Office, and the Financial Aid Office. Failure to report changes could result in mail not being forwarded or going to the wrong person or address. Additional information can be found on the University website

Copy and Print Services

Copy and Print Services offers a variety of custom printing services and manages the campus-wide fleet of on-demand copy/printers.

Parking & Transportation

Parking and Transportation is responsible for a variety of programs and services that make it possible for students, employees, and visitors to get around the University and surrounding areas, including the Phoenix Shuttle  and RideShare.

The University’s parking management software utilizes License Plate Recognition (LPR), so there is no need to display a physical permit, as your license plate is your permit. The plate must be clearly visible to parking enforcement officers. A vehicle backed into a parking space without a front license plate is not considered visible and subject to citation.

Information and registration for parking permits can be found on the Parking and Transportation webpage. Parking rules and fees are regulated and set by the Florida Polytechnic University Board of Trustees.


Reserved: $500.00

General: $115.00

Economy Lot (Lot 8 only): $50.00


Reserved: $250

General: $60.00

Economy Lot (Lot 8 only): $50

For more information regarding services provided, please:

Read: 6C-13-1.003 Parking on University Property

Visit: www.floridapoly.edu/parking

Email: parking@floridapoly.edu

Call: Auxiliary Enterprises at 863-874-8440

University Police Department & Campus Safety

The Florida Polytechnic University Police Department is  located  at  the  Campus  Control  Center  (CCC),  4539  (1) Polytechnic Circle. The Florida Polytechnic University Police Department consists of sworn law enforcement and non-sworn members who provide 24-hour police services to the campus community. The University Police Department is under the command of Chief of Police Richard A. Holland and Deputy Chief John D. Houser. The University Police Department is currently staffed by 14 full-time members providing full university police services to the Florida Polytechnic University campus.

Since the main campus is within the city limits of Lakeland, all 911 emergency calls go directly to the Lakeland Police Department Dispatch Center, which dispatches University Police.

The following is contact information for the Florida Polytechnic University Police Department.

  • Non-Emergency Number: 863-874-8472 (Prompt 2)
  • Emergency Number: 911
    • There are also 39 blue light phones strategically placed around the campus in the event of an emergency. The blue light phones dial directly into the police department
  • Email: police@floridapoly.edu

Reporting Campus Crime

Contact the police department by dialing 863.874.8472. If you are near a blue emergency phone, simply press the red button, release it and you will automatically be connected to the police department.

The University is concerned about the safety of its students and faculty, and it is also concerned with the security of both personal and University property. When witnessing or discovering a crime, students should first do what is necessary to secure their personal safety and the safety of others, then immediately report the crime to University personnel available on site. University personnel will then assist students in contacting the University Police Department. Students may seek advice or assistance from the police immediately in the event of a crime.

The campus community will receive a bulletin from the University Police for any crime that affects the community at large. The University reserves the right to alter access to campus facilities at any time. The University also reserves the right to bar an individual or group of individuals from campus facilities or property.


It is the intent of the University to encourage a free discourse of ideas while maintaining the safe and normal operations of campus life and education. To that extent, the FPU-1.007 Campus Free Expression regulation provides some time, place, and manner parameters on “campus expression” and processes for obtaining permission, when necessary, to hold a demonstration on campus.

Please see FPU-1.007 Campus Free Expression regulation to read in its entirety.


The University permits public access to public portions of the campus while maintaining its commitment to a safe workplace and learning environment. Police may authorize the issuance of trespass warnings pursuant to Florida law.

The University Police Department is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this regulation provided such is consistent with this regulation and with Florida Statutes section 1012.97 and Chapter 810. The University Police Department may request identification of individuals on campus, may direct individuals to leave campus, may issue trespass warnings and/or may arrest individuals for trespass.

Please see FPU-1.006 Trespass regulation to read in its entirety.

Political Activity on Campus

A group or individual (including University employees) wishing to hold a political activity on campus will be considered as holding an “Unaffiliated Activity” and the group or individual must complete a EMS form, receive written approval in advance of the activity and comply with University rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.

Please see FPU-1.011 Political Activity on Campus regulation to read in its entirety.

Alligators and Snakes

Alligators can be found in virtually every body of water on campus, and are normally shy creatures. But when fed by people, they lose that fear and associate people with food. An alligator that has lost the fear of people can be extremely dangerous, and can approach you looking for food. There are numerous cases in Florida where alligators have attacked people or pets because they have lost the fear of people.

  • Be aware of the possibility of alligator attacks when in or near fresh or brackish water bodies. Attacks may occur when people do not pay close enough attention to their surroundings while working or recreating near water.Do not swim in any of the ponds or lakes on or near the campus as the waters might be inhabited by alligators.
  • Alligators are most active between dusk and dawn.
  • Leave alligators alone. State law prohibits killing, harassing or possessing alligators.
  • Never feed or entice alligators - it’s dangerous and illegal. When fed, alligators overcome their natural wariness and learn to associate people with food.

Report nuisance alligators to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) by calling 1-866-FWC- GATOR (866-392-4286). Of the many species of native snakes in Florida, not all are venomous. Still, we strongly suggest that you give all snakes plenty of room.

Florida Poly Alerts

Florida Poly Alerts is the official emergency notification system for Florida Polytechnic University. Florida Poly Alert messages are issued when an ongoing threat, whether man-made or weather-related, presents an immediate threat to the health and safety of people on campus. Messages will be sent to all Florida Poly students, faculty and staff through:

  • Text messages to cell phones
  • Email
  • Telephone messages to all phone numbers listed on your profile
  • Telephone voice messages to all college phones, including all classroom telephones

Check your Florida Poly Alerts account on a regular basis to ensure that you have listed your most current contact telephone numbers.

Additional Resources